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Uploading a File using Selenium

Uploading a File using Selenium

Uploading a File using Selenium

There are some scenarios, wherein we might need to upload some of our files to the webpage. In such case, we have two versions through which we can upload our required file. But the way we can upload a file through automation is totally dependent on the application in which it is designed.

Two Upload Option

In the above image, we have two upload options, shown. The above page can be created using the below code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>a File Upload Button</h3>
<input type="file" id="myF">
<p>Besant Technology</p>
<button onclick="myFunction()">Sample</button>
function myFunction() {
  var x = document.getElementById("myF");
  x.disabled = true;
<h3>alternative file upload</h3>
<input type="text" id=”me”>
<button type="button">upload</button>

We all know that the Selenium web driver can only automate only Web applications. type 2 can be automated using Selenium WebDriver.

Steps to do :

WebElement ele=driver.findElement(By.id(“me”));

The above steps/code can be used to automate the upload scenario easily.

But what if there is a scenario, when I click on (Type 1)  “Browse  button would pop a system dialog box to select the file and then upload it. Do you think? This can be automated using Selenium WebDriver.

The answer is no, but it is possible when I use the Selenium web driver along with Auto IT.

What is Auto IT?

Auto IT is a Third Party Application which can be downloaded and used at free of cost, and then can be used along with selenium web driver for performing system-related keyboard operation, Window manipulations.

Step 1:

Auto IT can be downloaded by using the below URL, https://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/downloads/ and you have to click on the AutoIT download button, which is more self downloadable

AutoIT Download

Step 2:

Once downloaded, You can start to use the Application to automate the process. Click the below highlighted,

Click the Highlited

Step 3:

This would open an Editor like the below,

Editor Window

Step 4:

Then click on the below

Click on Below

Step 5:

Which would popup, the below tool

Pop Up Window

Step 6:

Use the above-highlighted Finder Tool. This icon can be clicked and dragged to the element on which we need to spy,

Finder Tool

Step 7:

Then we can use the Title property along with Class and Instance property to identify the “filename” text box. Something like the below,


Argument values for ControlFocus method:

This will set the focus to the ‘filename’ text box of the file uploader window. 1st argument title is ” Open “. We can ignore the 2nd parameter, as the text is not required here. 3rd argument control is the combination of

class='Edit' and Instance='1' i.e., . 'Edit1.'
Like wise ,

Above code can be written and saved in .au3 format

AU3 Format

Once saved, the above script file has to be compiled which would be converted to .exe file. As shown in the below image Shift + Right Click on .au3 file which you need to compile and select the Compile Script(x64) option in the context menu which would convert the file to .exe file.

Convert .exe file

Now the .exe file which we have converted can be used in our script to upload a file using a single line.


These are the steps we can follow to upload a file on a webpage.

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