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AWS DevOpS Training in Bangalore offered by Besant is one of the most prominent training courses recommended by industry experts that enhance your skills and knowledge to excel in AWS and DevOpS.  Besant Technologies is the AWS authorized training partner to provide high quality AWS DevOpS training in Bangalore. At Besant, we not only impart excellent knowledge through expert trainers but also provide 100% placement assistance to every learner. We had successfully trained and certified more than 1500 students specifically for this AWS DevOpS training course.  
AWS Certified DevOps Training in Bangalore

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AWS DevOps Certification Training in Bangalore

AWS DevOpS training in Bangalore is headed by well experienced and certified professionals who possess more than 12 years of industry experience in top IT MNCs. Most of our trainers are currently serving for leading industries and their strong subject knowledge and smart training methodologies will certainly crown you as a successful AWS DevOpS developer. Our comprehensive training will help you to crash AWS certified DevOpS Engineer – Professional Exam easily. Being an authorized training partner to offer AWS DevOpS training, we are also an exam center for AWS Certification Exam and hence you can register for the course and certifications exams under one roof.

After the successful completion of AWS DevOpS training course, you may be get placed in a leading IT company and gain an average annual compensation of 7,35,254 lacs/annum in Bangalore. Make use of this ever-best opportunity to fulfil your aspirations to become a successful AWS DevOpS developer and get placed with higher salaries.

AWS DevOps Certification Training Course in Bangalore certainly fulfills your aspirations to attain the certification and to acquire excellent knowledge and skills that meet the current industry requirements.  AWS DevOps Certification Training in Bangalore helps you to gain skills to develop, deploy and to handle the distributed application systems on the AWS environment. Our professional trainers aids you to learn code commit, Ops work, Cloud formation, code pipeline, Beanstalk etc.,

Our exhaustive training program will provide the necessary support to prepare for the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Certification Exam. We also assure your success to clear this Certification exam in a higher grade. Our trainers are highly qualified, certified and well experienced who can better handle students with innovative learning methods.  A fresh AWS Certified DevOps Engineer in Bangalore could earn around INR 1,67,784 per year and the average base pay of an experienced DevOps Engineer is INR 7,96,423 per year (Source: Glassdoor). Ensure to enroll to take part in AWS DevOps Certification Training Course in Bangalore and kick start your career as a successful AWS DevOps Engineer.

About AWS DevOps Course in Bangalore

Besant Technologies AWS DevOpS Training in Bangalore is framed by highly qualified and certified AWS DevOpS professionals to assist you to gain in-depth knowledge in AWS and DevOpS. AWS DeVOpS training will build you as a master professional in several as required features such as automation of SDLC methods, CI/CD pipeline, configuration management, immutable infrastructure, infrastructure as a code, automation of standards, deployment methods, containers, policies, monitoring, logging, disaster recovery, fault tolerance, incident and event responses etc.

You will also gain knowledge to execute these concepts over AWS environment using services like Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud formation, Code suite, and Elastic container service through real-time projects and case studies. At the end of this AWS DevOpS training in Bangalore, Besant guarantees to provide best in class training experience to equip your skills and knowledge with high scalability to develop your own applications independently.

AWS DevOps Training Course package is framed by certified industry professionals that assure you to acquire proficiency in AWS and DevOps and helps to leverage your skills to implement DevOps in AWS. This training prepares you to meet current industry standards by exploring various real-world projects and on-demand needs.

You will gain expertise in the Deployment techniques, immutable infrastructure, CI/CD pipeline concepts, container techniques and infrastructure as a code and many more. To add value to this course, our industry experts will provide you 24/7 live support, 100% placement assistance and interview support for all candidates who enroll their names in this course. At the end of this certification training, we assure that every candidate will excel in AWS and DevOps concepts.

What will you learn in this AWS DevOps training at Bangalore?

AWS DevOps Certification Training in Bangalore is powered with well experienced and certified IT professionals who possess excellent theory and practical knowledge in AWS and DevOps. Therefore, your proficiency in AWS and DevOps is certainly assured. Our training live instructors carry hands on experience in handling various students in real-time training.  In this certification training, you will learn:

  • Basics of DevOps, life cycle of DevOps and Operating DevOps
  • Fundamentals of AWS, Using DevOps with AWS, various security management, and governing methods
  • Understand how to automate SDLC utilizing several AWS tools (Code Commit, Code Pipeline, Cope Deploy etc.,) available Knowledge in Cloud Formation and Advanced Cloud Formation Concepts and
  • Handling various container management tools.

What are the objectives of the AWS DevOps training course in Bangalore?

We primarily focus to educate every learner to acquire a strong understanding of all required AWS DevOps concepts through experienced industry experts who ensure that to make it happen. Our mentors also provide job oriented training to every learner and train them as per the current industry requirements and standards. This AWS DevOps training will also contain some common objectives hereunder:

  • To provide strong knowledge in DevOps and AWS and help you to deploy DevOps in AWS.
  • To help you to understand the security aspects needed to manage your personal account and data present in the AWS platform.
  • To support you to learn about various automation concepts, automating with cloud formation etc.,
  • To assist you in learning several concepts of Beanstalk and you will get to know the way to deploy and observe your application in Beanstalk.
  • To aid you to acquire knowledge in Configuration management through OpsWorks, Event management and Automate monitoring in AWS, Fault tolerance, Disaster recovery and many more.

Who should attend AWS DevOps training in Bangalore?

AWS DevOps training in Bangalore can be utilized by any aspiring and passionate learner to be successful as an AWS DevOps Engineer. Our job support and interview support will help every learner to take part in the interviews confidently. Such support could place you in a leading IT organization in Bangalore with an excellent package. Still, the following professionals are best suitable to join this course:

  • Software Developers
  • Solution Architects
  • Cloud Experts
  • System Administrators
  • Project Managers

What are the prerequisites for taking this AWS DevOps training in Bangalore?

Learners need not fulfill any pre-requisite to take up DevOps Certification training in Bangalore. But, learners who possess knowledge in any of the programming knowledge will be an added advantage. Learners with prior working experience in AWS, Linux/Windows experts will be best suitable to attend this training.

What are the AWS DevOps job opportunities in Bangalore?

AWS DevOps is considered as one of the most premium certifications across the globe and those who crack the certification and acquire mastery in AWS DevOps will surely reserve their space in a top IT Company. Bangalore is the house for leading IT organizations that employ skilled AWS DevOps engineers massively. Because of the larger scope and demand, AWS DevOps employment opportunities were substantially increasing.  After completing this certification training, you may get a chance to function in any of the following job titles:

  • Cloud Engineer
  • AWS DevOps Engineer
  • AWS Engineer
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Test Engineer

Why should you take this AWS DevOps Course in Bangalore?

Technology advancement is inevitable. Accepting and upgrading us according to the advancement enables us to survive in this fast-growing IT industry. A recent survey reveals that most of the IT organizations could adapt to DevOps by the end of 2020. Our training course helps you to acquire sufficient knowledge to work in AWS DevOps. Attend this certification training course from us and become a successful AWS DevOps Engineer. You should attend this DevOps Course training in Bangalore because:

  • We are the leader in the training industry, who successfully trained many students in many technologies worldwide
  • Our professional trainers ensure you the best in class training experience and deliver you in-depth knowledge and a deep understanding of AWS DevOps.
  • Without any doubt, this certification training will enhance your skills and knowledge and let you explore real-world projects.
  • In order to pursue the AWS DevOps Certification
  • To get placed successfully with higher packages.


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AWS DevOps Training Syllabus

Module 1: AWS Introduction (6 Hrs)

  • Difference Between the CAPEX and OPEX
  • What is meant by Cloud Computing?
  • Advantages of AWS

Module 2: DevOps Introduction (4 Hrs)

  • What is meant by DevOps?
  • What are the advantages to choose AWS DevOps?
  • Difference Between Agile and DevOps Methodology

Module 3: Git Repository (Version Control) (8 Hrs)

  • GIT introduction
  • Installation of GIT
  • Master and Branch concept
  • Stash Area
  • Check-in and check-out process
  • Centralized Repository (Git HUB)

Module 4: Jenkins (Integration Tool) (8 Hrs)

  • Installation of Jenkins
  • How to create CI-CD pipeline
  • Complete Lab Setup for Jenkins
  • How to install and create Plugins.
  • How to deploy into the Production
  • How to analyze Whether Reports.

Module 5: ECS: (Elastic Container Service) (10 Hrs)

  • How to create Docker image (YAML)
  • How to build container
  • Backup
  • Monitoring
  • Network
  • Cluster
  • Fargate in Aws
  • Scale-Up and Scale-Down Processes

Module 6: EKS: (Elastic Kubernetes Service) (14 Hrs)

  • How to build eks cluster platform
  • How to Deploy Pod
  • AWS CLI installation
  • Cloud formation Deployment to build EKS Cluster
  • Service POD
  • Security
  • Load Balancer
  • Database Connectivity
  • HPA
  • Roll Back and Roll Out
  • Helm
  • Headless
  • Elastic Search-Client
  • Replication Controller
  • Replicas Set
  • Ingress Controller
  • How to maintain Kubernetes Cluster (Workers Node)
  • Stateful-Set

Module 7: Ansible: (Configuration Management) (6 Hrs)

  • Explanation about Advantages
  • Configuration
  • How to create Playbook using by YAML
  • Adhoc Commands
  • Roles

Module 8: Monitoring (4Hrs)

  • Cloud Watch
  • How to assign threshold for metrics
  • Notification
  • Troubleshooting

Module 9: Live Project (4Hrs)

  • Complete Setup from the scratch.

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Upcoming Batch Schedule for AWS DevOps Training in Chennai

Besant Technologies provides flexible timings to all our students. Here is the AWS DevOps Training in Chennai Schedule in our branches. If this schedule doesn’t match please let us know. We will try to arrange appropriate timings based on your flexible timings.

  • 24-03-2025 Mon (Mon - Fri)Weekdays Batch 08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Fees
  • 20-03-2025 Thu (Mon - Fri)Weekdays Batch 08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Fees
  • 22-03-2025 Sat (Sat - Sun)Weekend Batch 11:00 AM (IST) (Class 3Hrs) / Per Session Get Fees
AWS Certified DevOps Training in Bangalore

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Trainer Profile of AWS DevOps Training in Bangalore

We put strong efforts to select the best training instructors in order to ensure the best training experience. Most of our live instructors are highly qualified and certified in high grades. They will ensure your success in the AWS DevOps certification exam.

  • Most of our trainers are currently serving for leading IT organizations
  • Most of our trainers have experience of about 10 to 15 years
  • They will have strong technical knowledge who could be able to deliver the best combination of theory and practical sessions
  • Our trainers will have good connections to HRs who serve for various IT MNCs
  • Our trainers carry a hands-on experience in handling various students.





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400+ Students getting placed every month from startup to top level MNC's with decent package after doing course.

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AWS DevOps Exams & Certification

Besant Technologies Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher’s as well as corporate trainees.

Our certification at Besant Technologies is accredited worldwide. It increases the value of your resume and you can attain leading job posts with the help of this certification in leading MNC’s of the world. The certification is only provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.

AWS Certified DevOps Training in Bangalore

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Key Features of AWS DevOps Training in Bangalore

30+ Hours Course Duration

100% Job Oriented Training

Industry Expert Faculties

Free Demo Class Available

Completed 800+ Batches

Certification Guidance

Ready to jump-start your career

Join the course, Get your resume modified from experts. Our students are being hired at the leading companies.

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Training Courses Reviews

I would like to highlight a few points about my association with Besant Technologies. The faculty members out here are super supportive. They make you understand a concept till they are convinced you have gotten a good grip over it. The second upside is definitely the amount of friendliness in their approach. I and my fellow mates always felt welcome whenever we had doubts. Thirdly, Besant offers extra support to students with a weaker understanding of the field of IT.


Siva Kumar

When I joined Besant Technologies, I didn’t really expect a lot from it, to be extremely honest. But as time went by, I realised I got from Besant Technologies exactly what I wanted- a healthy environment for learning. Cordial teachers and their valuable lectures make understanding things so much easy. I thank Besant for having been so supportive throughout the course.



Frequently Asked Questions

Call now: +91-8767 260 270 and know the exciting offers available for you!

Besant Technologies offers 250+ IT training courses in more than 20+ branches all over India with 10+ years of Experienced Expert level Trainers.

Fully hands-on training | 30+ hours course duration | Industry expert faculties | Completed 1500+ batches | 100% job oriented training | Certification guidance | Own course materials | Interview preparation | Affordable fees structure

Besant Technologies is the Legend in offering placement to the students. Please visit our Placed Students List on our website.

More than 2000+ students placed in last year.

We have a dedicated placement portal which caters to the needs of the students during placements.

Besant Technologies conducts development sessions including mock interviews, presentation skills to prepare students to face a challenging interview situation with ease.

92% percent placement record

Our trainers are more than 10+ years of experience in course relavent technologies.

Trainers are expert level and fully up-to-date in the subjects they teach because they continue to spend time working on real-world industry applications.

Trainers have experienced on multiple real-time projects in their industries.

Are working professionals working in multinational companies such as CTS, TCS, HCL Technologies, ZOHO, Birlasoft, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Scope, Philips Technologies, etc

Trained more than 2000+ students in a year.

Strong theoretical & practical knowledge.

Are certified professionals with high grade.

Are well connected with hiring HRs in multinational companies.

No worries. Besant technologies assure that no one misses single lectures topics. We will reschedule the classes as per your convenience within the stipulated course duration with all such possibilities. If required you can even attend that topic with any other batches.

Besant Technologies provides many suitable modes of training to the students like

Classroom training | One to One training | Live Instructor LED Online training | Customized training

You will receive Besant Technologies globally recognized course completion certification.

Yes, Besant Technologies provides group discounts for its training programs. To get more details, visit our website and contact our support team via Call, Email, Live Chat option or drop a Quick Enquiry. Depending on the group size, we offer discounts as per the terms and conditions.

We accept all major kinds of payment options. Cash, Card (Master, Visa, and Maestro, etc), Net Banking and etc.

Please Contact our course advisor +91-8767 260 270. Or you can share your queries through info@besanttechnologies.com

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Besant Technologies AWS Certified DevOps Training in Bangalore View 9 Locations Nearby

BTM Layout

No 2, Ground floor, 29th Main Road,
Kuvempu Nagar, BTM Layout 2nd Stage,
Bengaluru, Karnataka-560 076

Landmark: Next to OI Play School
View Location


No. 43/2, 2nd Floor, VMR Arcade, Silver Springs Layout,
Munnekollal Varthur Main Road, Marathahalli,
Bengaluru, Karnataka-560 037

Landmark:Near Kundalahalli Gate Signal
View Location

Rajaji Nagar

No. 179/y, 2nd & 3rd Floor, 12th Main Road
3rd Block Bashyam Circle
Bengaluru, Karnataka-560 010, India

Landmark:Opposite to Ashirwad Super Market & Lenskart Above
View Location

Jaya Nagar

No. 1575, 2nd Floor, 11th Main Rd,
4th T Block East, Pattabhirama Nagar, Jayanagar,
Bengaluru, Karnataka-560 041

Landmark:Opposite to Shanthi Nursing Home
View Location

Kalyan Nagar

No.513, CMR Main Rd, HRBR Layout 2nd Block,
HRBR Layout, Kalyan Nagar,
Bengaluru, Karnataka-560 043

Landmark:Opposite Building of Kalyan Nagar Axis Bank
View Location

Electronic City

Ganga Enclave, No. 7, 3rd Floor, Village,
Doddathoguru, Neeladri Rd, Karuna Nagar, Electronics City Phase 1, Electronic City,
Bengaluru, Karnataka-560 100

Landmark:Adjacent to HDFC Bank and State Bank Of India
View Location

Indira Nagar

First Floor, No.54, 5th Main Road,
HAL Old Airport Rd, Behind Hotel Leela Palace,
HAL 2nd Stage, Kodihalli,
Bengaluru, Karnataka-560008

Landmark: Behind Leela Palace Hotel
View Location

HSR Layout

Plot No. 2799 & 2800, 1st Floor, 27th Main Rd,
1st Sector, HSR Layout,
Bengaluru, Karnataka-560 102

View Location


No. 2757/2760 & 2759, 1st Floor,
Kodigehalli Ward No.8, Sahakar Nagar,
Bengaluru, Karnataka-560 092

Landmark:Next to Swathi Gardenia
View Location

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Additional Info AWS DevOps Training in Bangalore

Find AWS DevOps Training in Other Regions

Learners can utilize our AWS DevOps training in various parts across the globe. In India, you can make use of this training in Chennai, Bangalore, and Noida. In the US, you can learn AWS DevOps in New York, California, and Florida. In the UK, you can study AWS DevOps in London, Manchester, and Edinburg. You can also study this course in Singapore and Japan as well.

Features of AWS DevOps Online Training

Attending this AWS DevOps Certification Training Online with us certainly will have enormous advantages. Learners will acquire the best knowledge and skills in AWS DevOps and they will also get placement assistance and job support. Our live online training supported by live instructors among which most of them were currently working for leading IT organizations who possess high-quality subject knowledge and practical training experience is the best in the training industry. Some other features of this online training are:

The future scope and demand for AWS DevOps is massive.

  • Learners will get real-time training with exposure to real-world projects. Our mentors will ensure more practical sessions, handouts, etc.,
  • Our live instructor will provide you 24/7 technical support and guidance
  • You have the option of Flexible learning. Learners can choose weekend or weekday classes.
  • Learners will get access to all associated study materials of AWS DevOps for a lifetime.



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