Blue Prism Interview Questions and Answers
Blue Prism Interview Questions and Answers
Here is the list of most frequently asked Blue prism Interview Questions and Answers in technical interviews. These questions and answers are suitable for both freshers and experienced professionals at any level. The questions are for intermediate to somewhat advanced RPA professionals, but even if you are just a beginner or fresher you should be able to understand the answers and explanations here we give.
Best Blue prism Interview Questions and Answers
Blue prism Interview Questions and Answers for beginners and experts. List of frequently asked Blue prism Interview Questions with answers by Besant Technologies.

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Blue prism interview questions and answers for the job placements
Besant Technologies supports the students by providing blue prism interview questions and answers for the job placements and job purposes. Blue Prism is the leading important course in the present situation because more job openings and the high salary pay for this Blue prism developer and more related jobs. We provide the Blue Prism online training also for all students around the world through the Gangboard medium. These are top blue prism interview questions and answers, prepared by our institute experienced trainers.
Basically Four Types
- Mode, 2. Win32 mode, 3) accessibility Mode, 4) Region Mode
Yes, we can use the mixture of them depending upon their applications in an element tree.
The Blue Prism Framework is a combination of the Technical Infrastructure (including Security and Governance), and the Operating Model (including Process Management, Delivery Management, and Operational Support). The delivery documentation utilizes seven Blue Prism templates. These are not mandatory across all process implementations. They illustrate the various content and detail required at each phase of delivery. Documents are as follows-
- Initial Process Analysis (IPA)
- Process Definition Document (PDD)
- Functional Requirement Questionnaire (FRQ)
- Solution Design Document (SDD)
- Operational Impact Document (OID)
- Process Design Instruction (PDI)
- Object Design Instruction (ODI)
It is a spying mode like Win32 and HTML mode. It is an interface originally created for screen reading and speaking applications to assist Windows application users with disabilities, for changing to accessibility simply press the “ALT” key until spy tool turns blue.
It could be that the values held within the HTML code are not stored directly in table tags, because more HTML code is being held within the table cell.
For example: <td><div>data</div></td>
If Get Table doesn’t work you could try reading the HTML code of the table and use string manipulation to extract the values another way is to use counters for each row and column of the table and read each cell individually.
Create a separate business object to interface with a popup window.
The Parent URL of an element may not be consistent. It is usually helpful to un-tick the Match column for the Parent URL attribute of the speed element in Application Modeller. If checked errors may get generated while using element once parent URL of the element has changed.
Foreground, Background and Exclusive.
The Stop? decision evaluates session variables after each Work Queue item has been worked. The Controller can now easily alter the running of a process session from within Control Room.
Session Variables are exposed outside the diagram, and as the name suggests, are applicable to sessions, i.e. running Processes
They will both have the same Session Variables but the Session Variables may have different values.
Session Variables are defined during the process build in Process Studio.
Pending / Deferred, Locked, Completed, Exception.
It denotes Treat the image as a single word in a circle.
The order of characters does not matter, “1234567890” works as well as “0987123456”
An example of a false positive is when the OCR incorrectly determines that some text value exists on the screen when in reality it does not. A false-negative would be where OCR mistakenly decides that a value does not exist, when in fact it does.
- Processes
- Visual Business Objects
- Web Service Definitions
- Process Groups
- Environment Variables
- Credentials
- Work Queues
- Schedules
- Fonts
Components can be removed from a package by doing the converse – i.e. by dragging their entries from the right pane back into the left pane.
A Process might employ a range other Processes, Business Objects, and Work Queues.To migrate all of these parts individually would be an error-prone task requiring careful attention to detail and conscientious use of checklists. For this reason, Blue Prism provides the Release Manager which allows users to create checklists known as Packages.
Send Keys and Send Key Events are part of the interface techniques that make up the Blue Prism Surface Automation interface. Send Keys will work for most applications and should be tried before Send Key Events. It is a higher-level interface that sends keystrokes to the active application. Send Key Events will work for all applications and is the text sending method recommended for Citrix applications. It is a lower-level interface.
In Object Studio main purpose spy the elements of theUsing Automate the windows and java and web and SAP and Mainframe Application using Application Modular. In this No Alert stage. In Process Studio All pages call in Main Page.
Yes, It’s Run It Schedule Robots at same Time.
When We develop any Robot. The schedule that robot For a specific day we can use the calendar.
Using file Utility management vbo in this using Get File and write condition in decision stage
In this different types of exception. Internal exception– It is default by blue prism tool
Business Exception- we can write as per business requirement details.
IN any exceptions Raises in the Process we can use Resume and then followed By Recovery stage. Between Resume and Recovery Write conditions also stages
In Environmental Variables Create the System Tab. We can use anywhere. Session variables create at the process time we can show the variables at Control Room
The main purpose of using a Large amount of data is loaded and test with Different robots.
Four Different staus available. Pending,in-process, exceptions, completed.
The Multiple Values Stores In the form of row and columns. This Collections Vbo Not any Import File Default in the tool
When Not access live it Example(AWS) we can capture the Image, using Region Mode
We cany Spy the Any element we can use Match Index of the filed. In this Match Reverse using True or false Only
In this Vbo use Find Out the system IS lock and change the password, different actions available there.
- Fast
- Medium
- Slow
Dot notation is used to refer collection fields like Collection Name. Field Name
Object Studio and one object can interact with only one application.
No, because objects always are used with processes.
Only one time per session. To run the process again need to create the new session.
Conditional wait or intelligent wait
One recover stage
By exporting and importing releases
If you want to get into the blue prism field and make your future with more colorful and lead a very rich life. Then surely you must join the BluePrism training course in the Besant Technologies Institute and get trained and do study our blue prism interview questions and answers. For more interview questions and also we provide 1000+ exam certification related blue prism interview questions and answers.
Blue Prism is one of the tools used to automate windows, web, Java, mainframe, sap and Citrix based applications, the blue prism is rule-based and repetitive tasks.
Home: to see workforce availability total automation like how many objects and process created and total queues volume.
Studio: in the studio, we have two main components which are
- Process studio
- Object studio
Process studio: will integrate all the object into the process to design end-to-end flow for the complete project.
Object studio: using this will interact with the end-user application and capture all the elements in the application-modeler.
Control room: This is the core component in BP tool.
Session management: Once published the process we have an option to run the process from control-room by assigning to dedicated Resource PC or Robot or VDI.
Queue Management: It’s like BP DB, initially through BP will load all the work cases into BP Work Queues. In the process, the robot will pick a case by case and starts to execute all the cases which were in the queue.
Schedulers: By using this will schedule the robots in fixed times. So that, the robot will start to run within the particular time.
Dashboard: to see the reports for workforce availability, total automation, queues.
Releases: to export and import the blue prism release files
System: Go to this tab and check all the tabs like create the queues and environment variables, user roles, user creation …etc.,
In blue prism, tiles are nothing but libraries in which we can see total automation, workforce availability and average handling time.
Data item stores a single value with the single datatype, whereas collections store multiple rows with multiple data types.
There are 4 types of exposure in the data item
- None
- Statistics —- stores the content of this data item in data base used for reporting purpose.
- Environment —– read the corresponding variable from system manager.
- Session —- this will exposure data item to control room.
In data item uncheck visibility —-hide from other pages in the process.
Calculation stage is used for calculation manipulations.
Visual basic, c#, visual j#
Number, text, date, date time, flag, password, time, timespan, image, binary.
Windows, web, accessibility, java, mainframe, sap, html, region.
Decision stage will check whether given expression is true or false.
To handle the exception on studio we use block stage, if we won’t use more recovery stage then we use block stage.
Using resume and recovery stage we will handle exceptions in process and object.
To handle errors and messages to display to the user we use exception stage
System exception
Business exception
Internal exception
Data validation exception
When alert message executed it send specific message to an operational user when the process is running.
Action stage is used to call vbo’s and other object into processor object.
Go to systemàsystem manager-> click create user.
While creating user you can assign roles to user or u can edit by going system tabà system manager-à click users and edit.
Go to system-àprocessà environment variables. Once created environment variables you can use in any process.
Work queue is list of records executed one by one .
Schedule means assign some fixed time and scheduler means this is BP tool feature to schedule the robots with the fixed timings to run the process for avoiding manual interventions.
In blue prism we can run only one executable at a time when we create pool we can run as many as executable.
Converting one data type to other data type ex:- text to number.
We have three run modes available executable, foreground, background
Executable: if the bot is executable mode we can run only one and we can not run any foreground and background.
Foreground: you can run only one foreground and as many as background.
Background: you can run as many as background and only one foreground.
Global send Keys- Send keys may not behave as expected when debugging a process.
Global send key events- Send Key Events should work properly while in debugging mode also. The only syntax is different for both send keys and events and also based upon mnemonics keyboard you have to follow the keys or events.
When working in citrix based application some times windows and accessibility will not work that time we go for region mode.
We can pass the variable values in start parameters, which were help to pass the values from process to object and then to end user application dynamically while running the process.
In object studio, application modeler is used to create the objects by capturing the end user elements using different spy modes depends upon the application type.
Tell about unique attributes for each spying mode
Key Name is unique field to work with the input cases. This key name is encrypted and stored in Blue prism application server, so that it will provide more security.
Deferred items are temporarily frozen in the Work Queue until the deferred date time has passed.
To handle dynamic values or pages will use dynamic attributes to avoid spying issues (use wildcard for dynamic)—Go through best practices document
To avoid deadlocks will use locks.
Ex: having process A and process B, for these if we have Common process.
Process A trying consume the common process and at the same time process B also trying to consuming then will get deadlock errors so use environmental locks. so that process A will releases the lock then only process B will acquire and consume thee common process.
Global mouse clicks: Once we spied the element based upon coordinates it will click Global mouse click center: There is no co-ordinates are there just it will click on center.
y using Login Agent, we can securely be logging in to windows desktop pc to execute blue prism processes.
Using Login agent, we can check the current state of the resource logged in or notIf the resource pc password expires through login agent it can resets the password or change the password.
If the windows locked, then by using login agent we can unlock the system.
Thin client is any application that we cannot get the attribute properties while spying using any RPA tools. For eg , Citrix or any virtual environment, and thick client is any application that we get pretty handful of attribute properties using RPA tools eg calculator, Internet explorer
First spy the whole page then use navigation stage for click center after that pass send keys “paged own”
While creating objects, In the Application Modeler we should select the type of application as: Browser-based application and then provide path for that respective application.
Then we have to spy the elements using different modes.
Here, generally for browser-based preferred mode is: HTML mode, if HTML not workouts then will go with other modes like AA Mode, Win32 for IE-pop-ups and Region Mode
To work with Citrix applications, if we are able to spy using win32 or AA modes for few elements then try to spy the fields.
Generally, at maximum cases to interact with thin – client applications the only option is: Region Mode in the surface automation technique’s.
Optical character recognition(OCR), this is the concept which is used to spy or read some difficult elements, which we can’t be spy normal modes.Through OCR will get the option to capture elements which are in image format or handwritten pdf documents.
We can create the web-services in the object’s and processes then expose the web-services so that will consumes based upon requirement.
Even we have an option to consume third-party web services in to BP but here make sure that as both inputs and output variable’s should be match.
Go through the Web-Services document in the portal.
Surface automation can be done with region mode to handle the thin client applications.
By using object studio, we can interact with end user applications through application modeler and define all features of object studio like application decisions and rules defining etc.,
By using process studio, we can integrate all the objects into process studio to design start to end flow and integrate all business rules and decisions and do exception handling into process studio.
When working in region mode for citrix application’s, first we have to switch off the font smoothing in the system. so that it can’t effect for different fonts otherwise citrix applications can’t work.To switch off font smoothing in Windows 7, navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced System Settings > Performance Settings.Select the Visual Effects tab and from the list presented uncheck the
Smooth edges of screen fonts option.
While running the process we have an option to check the log for each and every step, this is available in control room—session management—environment –right click on process —log viewer.In the UAT and production environment we cannot able see the background application screens so by using log viewer will check each steps execution.
For stages we have option as Stage Logging: Enable only, disable only and Errors only (preferred mode for the client: Errors only) – describe in detailed way if required.
UiPath and Blue Prism both the tools have their respective software/Studio and they are very good. UI and BP both have visual process designers for developing the solutions.
- Blue Prism Uses C# for coding
- UiPath uses VB for coding
UI path
- UiPath control room – The Orchestrator – is web-based, you can access it from the browser or mobile.
- BP have client based servers, accessible only through their apps.
- Lower cost of development
- Easier to learn and operate
- you can learn by your self
- study materials are easily available on the internet
Blue prism
- Good for mass scale deployment of large number of robots
- the higher cost of acquiring and using BP
- limited training available as the only source of training is BP
- training cost of Blue Prism is too high
Work Queues provide a mechanism for modelling the queueing, locking and reporting of work items within a Blue Prism environment.
Credential Manager is used for loggin g in the application for safe usage.
Save credentials as
“windows login:<name>”
Install login agent.exe
Import login agent:vbo
Run login agent
Scheduler is used to schedule the tasks or process to function as per our required time.
Bot is the process that we make.
Environment Variables available to all those Business Objects and Processes . Data Items exposed as Environment Variables are read-only. In Blue Prism The name and type of the Data Item must match the Environment Variable.
Tag is used to filter work Queues data.
Change the language of the code in Initalize of the object. And then add the dlls if required.
- AA mode
- Win32
- Region
Session variable can be changeable @run time
This is a new mode implemented in version 6.1 above
From Release tab we release the file m aking .bprelease file
Priority we set for taking the data on the basis of priority so where 0 is the first priority and 1- will be the second.
We use OCR functionality for this
Earlier we were not able to,but from version 6.2 above ,bp supports chrome,Earlier it was compatible only with IE
Throwing the exception from lower level to the highest level means from object to process. [/toggle_content
We need to tell about the look alike of control room.
We use login Agent generally where we have lots of machines involved.
Ensure the wait stages,Proper Execptions.
We use the VBO work queue Encrypt and Decrypt.
We use environment variable for this.
The term Thin Client is used to a describe an application, that did’t run on the local machine and uses a client/server architecture. A thick client is a application is one that is installed directly on the local machine, like Blue Prism itself.
We use schedulers to schedule the process which avoids manual effort.
For faster processing, we use more than one bot for functioning of data.
We need to use Login Agent for logging in the machine .
Session Variables are specific to that instance of the Process. If two instances of the same process are running at the same time, they will both have the same Session Variables but the Session Variables will have different values.
Choice stage can evaluate a series of expressions rather than just one.
We use the Set Data Action (Internal-Work Queues Business Object) to save the updated data collection back to the queue.
Object data is used to measure a process performance and for generating MI.
A process contains the logic involved in the process it includes all the logics.
Launching an application attaches the business object automatically.
use the root element in the application model and select the ‘Is Connected’ read operation.
Business objects have two default pages named Cleanup and Initialize, and these pages cannot be published or removed. They are intended to provide opportunity to execute logic at the start and end of life cycle of a Business Object.
A Business Object or Process can be exported as an XML file, and similarly an exported file can be imported into Blue Prism.
To handle Exception only inside a specific region.
Exception bubbling is a carry forward of exception from lower object layer to upper object/process layer.
RPA tool & Application to be automated on same machine in thick client.Thin client is nothing but Remote automation, where attributes will not be handly.
Just a session for each excel getting handled
By Running Automate.exe with Switch as,
- Scheduled
- Command prompt with Automate c.exe
- Rest + Soup UI
In Blue prism, Block is a mechanism for isolating exception handling to a specific area and is a good way to prevent an infinite loop.
There are four stages in RPA life cycle,
- Bot Development
- Testing
- Analysis
- Deployment & Maintenance
Priority is set to prioritize the items 0-is the first priority,1-will be the second priority.
- Location Method
- Search Padding
- Region Location
- Image Matching Tolerance
- Process
- Object
- Application
Environment Locks are a Blue Prism feature that enable a ‘permission’ to be shared between processes (and
Environment variables should be used to store any process or application information required to work the
business process that may be subject to change environments (development/test/production) or over time.
Releasing the process to different environments.
Creating Environmental Variable, Credentials and managing the pacakages
Session variables are data items that can be modified at run time from Control Room. Any configuration that may
need changing whist a process session is running can unprotected as a Session variable.
The standard Process Template that should be the basis for all Blue Prism processes includes a Stop? decision that
after each work item is completed decides if the process should stop.
- Match Index
- Ordinal
- ID
- Class
- Match Reverse
True. Arbitrary waits should only be used if a screen change cannot be waited for.
- Create workbook
- Open Workbook
- Create Instance
- Write collection
- Close Instance
- Close Workbook
System Exception
Business Exception
Validation Exception
In its current state the business object generates an exception when it tries to attach to a nonexistent
Notepad application. Remember if left unimpeded, an exception will bubble upwards towards
the main page of the paternal process, eventually bringing the process to a stop.
It is the type of exception that isn’t created by an exception stage. In simple terms, the internal exception is used by Blue Prism say” there is a problem and I can’t do this part”.
The Resume stage kills off or neutrali zes, the exception and moves the process out of
Recovery Mode. Once past the Recover stage, the process is again back into normal running mode.
When the checkbox is not ticked in exception control, the exception stage generates a new exception, and
importantly, keeps the current exception alive. This means that by misusing the ‘preserve’
checkbox can lead to problems.
The Control Room area of Blue Prism allows processes to be started and stopped and their current status
The resources view shows a list of all resources, or PCs which are available as platforms on which to run
business processes
Immediate Stop
Request Stop
Using the scheduler
As a Sub process
Commandline interface
Utility – Environment
Utility – File Management
Utility – Collection Manipulation
Utility – General
MS Excel VBO
Blue Prism contains a mechanism by which components making up the configuration of Blue Prism can be
transferred between different Blue Prism environments.
managing the import and export of configuration packages
Provides visibility of the packages that have been created
Provides the capability to manage updates to either new or existing processes
New Package
- Modify Package
- Delete Package
- New Release
- Import Release
- Verify Release
A package provides a mechanism for collecting a list of elements which should make up a release. It is created
within the Release Manager in the Blue Prism client.
A package consists of a name and description, and its contents. The contents of a package can be made up of any
or all of the following components:
- Processes
- Visual Business Objects
- Web Service Definitions
- Process Groups
- Environment Variables
- Credentials
- Work Queues
- Schedules
- Fonts
Once a package has been created, you can create a release from it.
Packages can be modified or deleted from within Release Manager.
If a package contains a component which is deleted, the reference to that component is removed from the release
Send Keys will work for maximum applications and must be tried earlier Send Key Events. Global send keys is a higher level
interface that sends keystrokes to the active application.
It will work for all applications and is the text sending method suggested for Citrix applications. Global send key is a lower level interface that mimics keyboard keystrokes in the operating system.
Global keystrokes would be used when other methods of inputting text do not work, moreover a thin client
technology such as Citrix is used, because the element within an application either cannot be identified by
application modeler or doesn’t accept the use of a write stage
- Control: ^
- Alt: %
The OLEDB libraries allow interaction with a number of target data files (including text, CSV, Excel, and Access) via a subset of
SQL. This has advantages in both speed and in efficiencies in file handling without fully loading the file into memory
at any given time.
- Set Connection
- Open Connection
- Get Collection
- Execute
- Close Connection
The Java Access Bridge is a technology that exposes accessibility information about Java
applications and applets to external applications such as Blue Prism.
- Match Index
- Match Reverse
- Ancestor Count
- Showing
By default, stages used in Process Studio are logged and those in Object Studio are not. This can easily be changed
by modifying the properties of a stage, selection of stages or all stages.
- Disabled
- Errors Only
- Disabled: no information about the stage’s activity will be logged
- Errors Only: no information will be logged unless the actions produce an error condition
- Disabled: no information about the stage’s activity will be logged
- Errors Only: no information will be logged unless the actions produce an error condition
- Don’t log parameters on this stage: toggles logging of data parameters used by the stage on or off (e.g. Business data)
- Configure
- Delete EMail
- Get Contacts
- Move Email
- Reply to Email
- Send Email
A Tag is a keyword of term assigned to a Work Queue item as a method of categorising or
grouping that item
Searching for items with a tag:
Searching for items without a tag
Searching for items with multiple tags assigned/unassigned
Using Wildcards
Each Work Queue item has a status. Item status can be used as a method of recording what
work has been done on a Work Queue item.
Setting the Status for a Work Queue item simply requires the use of an Action stage. The
following steps will be required:
When designing an automated solution, you should consider if any different work types or
scenarios within the process should be worked before other worked items.
The data held by each work item is stored in plain text on the database by default. The queue
can be configured to encrypt the data automatically when it is saved to the queue, and decrypt
it automatically when it is retrieved from the queue.
It is used to reset the page,we can run a process its automatically starts to run from the initiliaze page.
First you have to select the range of the cells ,In ms excel vbo option copy is used. we need to select paste action in ms excel vbo and give true in the values only input
Active queue is one of the option is in to create the workqueue .Active queues to the particuler process with resource.
Retire the schedules
Number of Clients can be connected to one application server. 100 clients can be connected to one app server
Windowslogin:machine name
Change scripting access in client side and server side.
First we have to create a package ,next we have to release that package some steps with the file extention “.bprelease” .
We can see the inside actions in a stage is step in. Leave the inside actions we can only see the stage by stage is step over. If you are inside the any Stage you can outside the stage can use the step out.
We can use anywere in a variable is known as a global variable.
Care should be taken while using a global variable in different pages because it over writes the previous value.
We can create a separate business object to handle the pop ups.
Yes. If element is not found that time the this error is appeared.
We can spy any element we can use the match index and ordinal is used to pass the dynamic pameters.
Select queue items, give a right click and select export current view as csv
process will terminate
If the web service is slow or small problems are occurred in net.
If retry is set to true and no. of queue attempts is not reached then the item will be tried again.
If retry is set to false, then the item will not be tried again, irrespective of queue attempts
Only one start stage in a page.
Number of end stages can a page.
If we add any output parameter in one end stage that will be reflected in all the end stages.
Credential management in the database
We have an option in a Navigate Stage.
In excel vbo Copy action is used to copy the data.
Correct use of data items and collections and setting them as global wherever necessary instead of using the same dataitems in all pages.
we can use wait stage in object and in process we can use sleep action in utility environment object.
We can run the multi BOTs to avoid the deadlocks that can we use the environment locking.
In control room under scheduler we have an option schedule, Right click to the schedule click on new , we can give the field name ,description ,new task and filled the all .click apply button to create the scheduler.
For mapiex we need to install mapiex library, for pop3 we just need to change the security settings in the gmail.
In object Studio,By using application modeler we interact with the other applications. In system manager under objects we can see an option called webservices,we can add the WSDL link there and can use the webservice as business object.
Robot software to get information.
Is used to communicate with external applications.
Develop software to run external application.
Using a single bundle we can carry out many things.
It is used to store password and user information.
The item is used to complete its work according to its preferences.
Is used to manage items in order.
There are 3 security types, such as:
- User: To assign new user information, we can assign accordingly
- Testimonials: Save secret infos
- Options: Rules for password settings
Eco vairables are used with the variable value of the variable and can be used anytime.
The word assigned to the task sequence is important.
Setting priority in the task sequence in the control center.
The truth
The truth
The truth
business exception
It will always stop at 3 stages
At one point we can use exception functions like ExceptionDetail () and ExceptionType ().
Waiting without any conditions is generally referred to as the throttle in the Blue Prism.
A wait status is recommended at the beginning of each process.
Main Page must have high level actions.
used data to measure performance efficiency and to develop MI (management information).
There is a way to navigate through the process studio.
Stage reappears or receives exceptions in the Blue Prism.
If an exception is taken, the business substance or process is said to be an exception block.
The truth
“Protect” test box should only be used after review.
Without exception, the recovery status will be handled by any exception on that page
A collection of jobs is a list of jobs, or a set of cases.
Stay tuned to continue the next item.
In the control room an unem” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=””]ployed or pending item is indicated by three blue points.
Everything in the task sequence has its own meaning to hold data.
Clone a new item and insert it into the queue.
Instant Stop feature.
Switch platform can evaluate continuous expressions more than one
Yes, we can manage web services from the application server.
Use Database Operation (Internal-Work Merchandise) to retrieve the updated data collection line.
It is the primary key for the data.
ctrl + left click