Business Process Management (BPM) Systems
Everybody is not a scientist; but living and existence is dictated by scientific innovations. Even the so called scientists have their areas of specializations. On account of the above facts, an attempt at defining what PEGA is all about will be made before going into the very usefulness of the system to our day to day existence.
It is very essential to know the genesis of this system so that you will appreciate it and the attendant usefulness it brings to bear on your business. PEGA is a software company from America based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The inception of this system dates back to 1983 when the then 28 years old Alan Trefler founded it.
The company has grown bigger now with its announcement in 1996 that it would be publicly traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange. From the inception of the year 2010, the company has moved up the ladder by acquiring more companies into its fold.
Why must you embrace PEGA?
In the world of business today, the customer is very important in business growth and development. Any business that toys with customer satisfaction will end up quicker than imagined in the dustbin of history. The world of business has gone digital; things now happen with the speed of light via the internet. Mobile shops are now the order of the day.
Business is now conducted on the internet. For interactions between employers and the customer, the solution lies in the use of relevant software. It is a pity that there is much cumbersome software that leaves buyers confused on the net today. This is where PEGA comes in.
There is also the need for free flow of information within the organization. Time is a perishable commodity and it is observed that most blue chip companies waste valuable time struggling to get information across within their organization. There are many systems that have left most of these companies rather confused in their resolve to disseminate information. PEGA has the answers to all these posers.
If the company give Pega Training to all the employees means it is very useful and the people complete the work in very faster manner.
Below are 15 top reasons why you must go PEGA in business.
Makes interaction easy for the Customer
The customer is king in any form of business-without them, the sales will not come in; without sales, business is doomed for failure. PEGA makes things very easy for the customer; the software is simple and straight forward. It makes the customer feel the manufacturer through the simple easy to follow interface. The technology is so simple, even a novice can get through using the system.
In health care delivery system
There is the need for collaboration between the patient on one hand and the health care professionals on the other hand. Gone are the days when the issue is based on paper charts and hospital billing system. The modern day patient will like to interact with his/her medics without any hitch. This platform is readily provided by PEGA. Health is wealth; no one will want to waste valuable time using software systems that will leave the patient at sea.
Helps to adapt seamlessly to rapidly changing expectations.
The customer dictates what they need. Their dictates changes times without number. It is observed that very many organizations are taken off balance when the customer demands a simple change in routine. In some big organizations, the entire system collapses on account of a minor change in the customer’s chain of demand. PEGA system is customized to help adapt to all conceivable change that the customer may come up with, thus maintaining the desired stability in the chain of business. It ensures that all digital services are tailored to specific needs.
Human Relationships
The chain of distribution is long before it gets to the customer. The customer wants to feel that human touch as much as possible in the chain of distribution that is digital based. PEGA has been able to use her technology in order to make the customer feel that desired human touch in every step of the journey. A personal human relationship is developed through the entire process; thereby making the customer to have that rare sense of much desired human connect in the digital chain of distribution.
Customer for life
Analogue way of doing business can no longer meet up with the demands of today. Many companies have therefore gone digital to remain relevant in business. Many of these companies have no provision for the human angle. Hence their customer base is thinning down instead of the other way round. PEGA has a system in place that delivers operational excellence alongside delivering a world class customer experience. Using this system will ensure that the loyalty of your customers is retained for life. There is nothing as good as that for business retaining her customers for as long as business is in existence-PEGA guarantees this.
Promise of digital transformation delivered
There is too much hype in the polity today. Many will promise a perfect system only to leave the customers lost at sea. There have been several complaints of failure on the part of some software to deliver on promise. Some of this software is too complicated to be understood by the users. In many instances, where the software is simple and easy to follow, they truly do not work when it comes to actual service delivery. PEGA has the ability and real capacity to deliver on all the promises it has made as it is entrenched in the simple easy to read and follow instructional guide.
Blurring the physical world
There have been talks going round that technology will soon take the place of the human being in the nearest future. The kite has been flown in diverse scientific gatherings over the years. Though it has not gotten to holistic reality, pointers are in the direction that this may soon be a reality. PEGA is positioned to meet with the challenges this might pose to the chain of distribution in the foreseeable future.
Speed and accuracy
No doubt every business owner desires that the process is done with as quickly and efficiently as possible with no extra cost to the company and the customer at the end of the distribution chain. The story becomes sweeter when the system guarantees cost effectiveness. That is what the Sprint module in PEGA brings to the table. It is fast and at no extra cost to the business chain at both ends of the company and the customer.
In banking experience
The change in the approach to business dealings has been extended to the banking sector. There are many especially in the U.S who is struggling with credit card payments. The disappointments suffered by bank customers have made the Banks in the US to look for ways to solve the problem. They have resulted to PEGA and the system has solved the problem once and for all. Every business has to deal in one way or the other with some measure of financial transactions; hence the introduction of this PEGA system is never a misplaced priority.
People oriented marketing
The people are the main reason why any business, big or small is in existence. Therefore, any worthwhile marketing system should be people oriented. It has been relatively difficult to connect with the customer because of the cumbersome chain involved in the distribution network. Happily, this is now a thing of the past because PEGA has devised a system whereby tools such as PEGA Marketing blended with expert marketing services can deliver a people oriented service to the customer.
The use of design thinking
This is the use of human centered approach to issues with the aim of creating an experience that will make business interaction between the employers sail smoothly without friction. Time is also saved because it is a time saving measure. On the other hand it also makes the flow of the chain of business smooth between employees and the customers. If and when this is achieved in a business set up, we have a win win situation. PEGA system also guarantees this. In business today, design thinking is the line most businesses are towing to achieve their optimum without much ado.
A captivating user experience
The advent of digital business has thrown up a pool of millennial customers. Even small business concerns have gone digital in a race to survive in the ever competitive market. Many of the customers know little about the way things are done in digital marketing. Thanks to ‘Accenture’ curtsey of PEGA through which an out of this world user experience is delivered through PEGA’s guardrails. The tricks and methods involved are easy to understand.
It creates an exceptional value
PEGA has what it takes to create that exceptional value which is the dream of every business concern. AEGON today has a sweet story to tell. If the transformation their business underwent using PEGA system is anything to go by, then every serious minded and result oriented outfit should introduce it into their chain of business because it guarantees the desired success. It has completely changed the fortunes for the better in their customer service index. This is perhaps what every business needs to get to their Eldorado.
IoT Reality
IoT stands for internet of things. Technology is changing every day, business that is technology based must also adapt to these changes if the business must flow with current trends. How about employees having a three in one? This is the ability of the employees to view 3-4 screens condensed into one single map. It makes the flow of business faster. Helps the employees to keep pace with the fast tempo with which business is done nowadays without stretching them to the limits. It has given way to real customer successes. PEGA guarantees this as well.
Use of Robotic Automation
The headlines have been with us for quite some time now that robots will soon take over the functions of human beings in the chain of distribution- leaving the human being redundant. PEGA has gone ahead of the times with the introduction of their Robotic Automation. This is the use of robots to fasten the efficiency of the human labor. It is desirable for every business who wants to keep pace with trends in the labor market. The employees are not un-necessarily stressed up because they have a ready ally in the robots who performs function with just a little touch or push of the button.
The points mentioned above are no hypes. They are already in the system for all to see and verify the truth or otherwise of their effectiveness. PEGA indeed has the template for the success of businesses in this millennium. They have proved their relevance. A commitment to them today is an effort in the direction of business growth.