Identifiers in Python
Identifiers in Python
The various entities available in python are called Python identifiers. Components such as functions, classes and objects are identified using the same.
There are certain sets of the rule that we need to follow in order to write an identifier:
- Only the characters for example a-z, A-Z,0-9 and _ can be used to form identifiers.
- myClass.
- place.
- Var_check.
The examples above are valid identifiers.
- Punctuations symbol can’t be used for example, ”’!()-[]{};:'”\,<>./?@#$%^&*_~”’
- Identifiers cannot start with a number, for example, 9var is invalid while var9 is valid.
- The maximum characters that can be used for identifiers are 79(PEP-8 LIMIT).
- To check the validity of identifiers we have to use ‘__##__’.isidentifier()
- Keywords or reserved words are not allowed to be used as identifiers.
- We should give meaningful information by writing names with identifiers.
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