Java: From The Origin
Java is an object oriented programming language. In early stages Sun microsystems acquired Java but now Oracle oversees Java. Founder of java is James gosling and Mike Sheridan with the help of Engineer PatrickNaughton.
Initially the java is called as oak technology. Oak is already a registered keyword to get the trademark. so, the gang of three went out to the local cafe to discuss names and wound up naming it Java.
The official release date of the language – May 23, 1995.
Java was originally designed to interactive with Television in the 1990s, but the digital cable industry people didn’t know about how to handle the java.
But in recent days, about 3 billion mobile phones are working in Java, as well as 125 million TV sets and each Blu-Ray player
Java uses 16-bit Unicode characters that represent the phonetic alphabets and ideographic character sets of the entire world.
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- Java was designed to be easy to use and is therefore easy to write, compile, debug, and learn than other programming languages
- Java is platform-independent.
- It can be write Once, Run Anywhere
- Develop programs more quickly
- Java is highly secure.
- Automatic memory management
- Well Support APIs for mobile
- Operating System
- It may run on different operating system such as Windows, Solaris, Linux
Language Support
Java is available on 30+ languages.
Java Virtual Machine may be installed on virtually any device that provides cross-platform Java-programs
Programmer Efficiency
Java is continually ranked first in the rankings of software developers as the best choice of programming languages.
Programmers enjoy programming in Java and are usually amazed at how quickly they can get results with it.
Currently many applications are using java.so the fresher’s getting interest on java
Future Scope
The median salary for a Java developer in the U.S. is $83,975. There are 9 million Java developers worldwide.
Nearly nine of every 10 computers in the U.S. run Java, and 97% of enterprise desktops run the language.
Java is ranked #2 in popularity among programming languages, according to Tiobe.com. The language C is #1
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We are train the student based on corporate levels.We are giving the projects to the students after completing every session.Nearly 2500+ students started career at Besant Technologies and entered into MNC’s in Java Technology.We are the best Java Training in Chennai with 100% placement assistance