JMeter Interview Questions and Answers
JMeter Interview Questions and Answers
JMeter is an Open Source Performance Testing Framework. Many IT companies are using Jmeter to as their business solution. In IT industry Jmeter Development is growing very fast and as per survey now Jmeter is $180 million but surely grow to more than $5 billion by 2021. As the industry grows the need of trained professionals will grow as well. So if you want to build your carrier in IT industry then Jmeter Developer is an excellent option.
After completion of the course, you have to face an interview and have to qualify the interview to establish your carrier as a Jmeter Developer. We have designed a bunch of advanced Jmeter Interview Questions and Answers. Our Jmeter Interview Questions and Answers are designed by the industry experts who have spent 10+ years in the industry. The JMeter Interview Questions and Answers are useful for both fresher and experienced candidates. The JMeter Interview Questions and Answers have helped many candidates to crack the Interview and got placed in many reputed companies with a high pay scale. Now it’s your turn to utilize the opportunity and get a dream job with a high salary in the IT industry.
JMeter is a Java Open source Performance Testing framework to test a pile of functional object conduct and measure implementation. You can use JMeter to test and compute the implementation of web application or a miscellaneous collection of administration works.
HTTP, FTP, SOAP-XML, JDBC and some others are the characteristics protocol we can use in JMeter.
- Test Plan
- Configuration Elements
- Pre Processors
- Thread Group
- Post Processors
- Listeners
JMeter does not support the actual running program. It doesn’t display the HTML site pages as the particular program does. The reaction will be seen in HTML in required order yet the real timings are absent in the actual tests.
JMeter offers benefits to implement testing like
- You can use it to test the implementation for both, static assets and also powerful assets.
- You can use it to deal with a large number of clients at the same time can deal with your site.
- It gives the details examinations of implementation reports.
Pre-processors are parts of JMeter that are used to perform a task before the sampler demands are implemented in the test situation. Pre-processors can be used for multiple performance testing needs, such as getting information from a database, setting a timeout between sampler implementations or before the test information age.
Post-Processors are parts of JMeter that are performing after the sampler demands are performed. Post-Processors can be use for some, reasons like split the information from the reaction.
You will get a chance to see the result as arranged information, charts, JSON Responses by an audience member.
- Graph results
- View results tree
- Aggregate Report
- Aggregate Graph
- Announcement of Results
Standard Expression can be used to separate a few qualities powerfully from the reactions to using it survey the resulting or second backup purposes. Ordinary Expression is used in both Pre-Processors and Post-Processors also.
It depends on the arranged implementation of your framework including a processor, JVM, selected memory etc. Differently inconsistent which affect this are the number of sections in your test plan i.e. the quantity of configured components or processors and it additionally depends on whether you are using GUI/Non-GUI Mode.
Yes Jmeter can record portable activities, but Jmeter and Portable have to be in the same system.
- You can configure your joining server in Jmeter for running in a given port.
- Set up a conjugation on your adaptable Wi-Fi settings and enter a similar port number which is used in the recorder.
- Install the Root CA declaration on your adaptor.
- To watch portable getting caught by the prearranged controller you have to hit server ask.
Yes, we can run Selenium in Jmeter for executing some tasks. There are two types of process
You can use JUnit libraries to produce Selenium contents and alternate as Jars and duplicate the counterpart in JMeter registry. After that import, the Jar records by adding a Junit sample.
- Sessions and treats can be overseen in JMeter by using configuration components, like, HTTP Cache Manager gives an ultimatum to clear the treats in each significance and additionally permit to include client specified treats.
- HTTP Cache administrator gives you the opportunity to clear reserve after every cycle as necessary in the heap tests and also prevent the number of components which can be put away in the store.
Timers are used to get a delay between demand. A portion of the Timers utilized are Constant Timer, Gaussian arbitrary Timer, Synchronizing Timer, and Uniform Random Timer, etc.
Jmeter uses the timer to differentiate the time between each demand. It can also be used to solve extra load issues of a server.
Gaussian and Poisson Timers is both less effective at a numerical recipe with some positive Delay and extra balance. Contrast between the two lies in the reality how the lambda esteem is determined on account of Poisson clock and how deviation is determined on account of Gaussian Timer.
To delay each string for a similar measure of length, you can use Constant Timer. A Constant Throughput Timer will give the set throughput through a set of strings or a specific string.
BeanShell is a lightweight Java scripting that is used in JMeter to play out some critical assignment. BeanShell sampler can perform various tasks with the use of coding. You can print the string number, get the present sampler executed, bring the treats etc.
HTTPS association requires a backing to confirm the associations which get set up when the program hits the web server. JMeter produces it incidentally to catch the SSL traffic so as to record the activities. You need this backing in your portable to record the activities.
It is a configuration component used in the middle of the heap test to give outside significant contributions to Parameters.
Yes, we can do adaptability testing in Jmeter. It should either be possible by running in numerous occurrences physically or in a similar occasion we can make the duplicate of the string gathering and utilize the scheduler highlight to begin the test according to plan.
Yes, it is possible to run the JMeter in GUI. For this, a similar direction is used: JMeter – n – ttest.jmx – l test.jtl
We can perform Spike Testing by clock synchronization. Synchronizing clock squares string until an explicit measure of strings has been blocked and after that discharge them all together in this manner making a vast quick load.
The test piece is like the Thread Group component. The main difference is test piece isn’t actualized except it is referred by either a Module controller or an Include controller.
Test designs are typically managed in XML arranges, every test design work as an individual.
The audience comes enthusiastically when the content is implemented. It tunes in to the solicitation and reaction and presentations it in a visual way. It very well may be comprehended as a report of the trial. Listeners come to investigate the trial process and help the main drive to discover if there any problem.
- View Results in a Tree
- View Results in a Table
- Straightforward Data author
- Total Graph
JMeter can be kept running in the non-GUI mode by using Command brief.
JMeter – n – t <scriptname.jmx>
Clocks are called Think Time in JMeter. They add certain time postpone in the process in which they are part of. Diverse kind of Timers is Constant Timer, Gaussian Random Timer, Uniform Random Timer, Synchronizing Timer and so forth.
Standard articulation or Regex are communication process to gather information among solicitations and reaction. This is used the programming that coordinates the example in JMeter. Images, for example, ., $, +, ? to make articulation and match string.
- JMeter is open source and its free to access.
- It is stage autonomous.
- Backings Multithreading
- You don’t need any programming skils
- Great Reporting
Pre-Processors are a lot of activities that are implemented before the implementation of example demand. There are varieties of pre-processors in JMeter like BeanShell Pre-processor, JDBC pre-processor, User Parameters pre-processor and so forth.
Postprocessors are a lot of activities that are implemented after implementing of example demand. There are varieties of post processors in JMeter like JDBC post-processor, Regular articulation extractor, XPath Extractor
You know that Jmeter has a vast memory and its usefulness is incremented by client quality. So you can test heap in various machines. Each machine hits the server with some heap. It is much easier to take load of clients in various machines than a single one. So you can create a multiple numbers of servers to take the burd3en of clients.
Factors in JMeter can be used to parameterize information. Include config component – > User Defined Variables (Right snap Thread Group > Add > Config Element > User Defined Variables). The qualities in a variable are put away by ${}
Name: Var1
Esteem: ${variableValue}
In a heap trial application process you can gradually increase client numbers for live streaming. In JMeter, increase period characterizes the timeframe inside which all the predefined clients get in running state.
Samplers are used for sending particular kinds of response to the server. A portion of the regularly utilized samplers is – HTTP Request, JDBC Request, SOAP-XML Request, JUnit demand, TCP Sampler, etc.
Audience member helps to get a review, sparing of test outcome and also helps in graphical examination of the test outcome. Listeners which are mostly used – Aggregate Report, Aggregate Graph, Graph Results, View Results Tree, etc.
Circulated load testing is the process in which lots of number frameworks can be used for copying a heap of a huge number of clients. You can use more than one framework to distribute a load of clients for burden testing. In JMeter, we can do conveyed load testing using the ace slave design.
The clock is used to complete the task in a perfect timing These clocks are used for displaying perfect time to the client. Different types of clocks available in JMeter are – Constant Timer, Gaussian Random Timer, Uniform Random Timer, Constant Throughput Timer, Synchronizing Timer, Beanshell clock, BSF Timer, etc.
Arrangement components are used for modification of the sampler demands. Like CSV Data Set Configuration can be used for parameterizing the sampler demands with qualities brought from the outside CSV document.
Pre-processors arranged components that are implemented before the sampler demand implementation. Some ordinarily used pre-processor in JMeter are BeanShell PreProcessor, HTML Link Parser, HTTP URL Re-composing Modifier, RegEx User Parameters etc.
Post-processors are the test plan elements implemented after the sampler demand implementation. Postprocessors are basically used for bringing a few qualities from the sampler reaction.
- To make the best out of the accessible assets and by and large as a training, the accompanying practices ought to be fused in the tests-
- Utilize the non-GUI mode: JMeter – n – t-test.JMX – l test.jtl
- Use a couple of Listeners as could be allowed; if utilizing the – l banner as above they would all be able to be erased or crippled.
- Try not to utilize “View Results Tree” or “View Results in Table” audience members amid the heap test, use them just amid the scripting stage to investigate your contents.
- As opposed to utilizing heaps of comparative samplers, utilize a similar sampler in a circle, and use factors (CSV Data Set) to change the example. Or on the other hand maybe utilize the Access Log Sampler.
- Use CSV yield instead of XML.
- Just spare the information that you need.
- Use as couple of Assertions as could reasonably be expected
Following is the execution request of the test plan components:
- Arrangement components
- Pre-Processors
- Clocks
- Sampler
- Post-Processors (except if SampleResult is invalid)
- Statements (except if SampleResult is invalid)
- Audience members (except if SampleResult is invalid)
Utilizing config components like “CSV Data Set Config”, “Client Defined Variables”, and so on for more prominent information reuse.
Modularizing shared errands and conjuring them through a “Module Controller”.
Composing your own BeanShell capacities, and reusing them.
Employments of screen tests are:
- Screens are helpful for stress testing and framework the board.
- Use pressure testing, the screen gives extra data about server execution.
- Screens make it less demanding to see the connection between server execution and reaction time on the customer side.
- As a framework organization instrument, the screen gives a simple method to screen different servers from one reassure.
The contrasts among pattern and benchmark testing are:
- Pattern testing is the way toward running a lot of tests to catch performance data. This data can be used as a point of reference when in future changes are made to the application while Benchmarking is the way toward looking at your framework implementation against an industry standard that is given by some other association.
- Precedent: We can run benchmark trial of an application, gather and investigate results, and then can alter a few files on a SQL Server database and run a similar test once more, use the previous outcomes to decide if the new outcomes were better, more terrible, or about the equivalent.
Ans:- I had to design a scenario where Launch and Login to be executed once and rest others transactions to be executed multiple times. I used below Logic Controllers to design this scenario: Once Only Controller: I put Launch and Login transaction under Once Only Controller Runtime Controller: Others transactions were put under Runtime Controller and I assigned duration of test in seconds.
Ans:- I will open Jmeter.bat file in notepad and will increase the heap memory size as below as per the
Ans:- Regular expression post processor is used to do correlation in Jmeter. I need to put the regular expression after the request from where dynamic parameter is being captured. LB and RB will be found from the response of the request in view result tree. After correlation we need to verify it in Regular expression Tester.
Ans:- Jmeter generates test result file in .jtl format. We can add different graphs like response time graph, aggregate report and we can analyze response time and TPS. Sometimes we need to install Jmeter Plugins to get some additional graphs in Jmeter lib folder.
Ans:- we need to add below elements to record and debug the script in Jmeter. Test Plan=>Thread Gruop=>HTTP Request =>HTTP Header Manager=>HTTP Cookies Manager=>Constant Timer=>View Results Tree=>CSV Data Set Config=>Response Assertion =>Aggregate Report
Ans:- We just need to keep unique values in the csv format in the parameter file. Jmeter by default picks the value from the parameter file sequentially. We can control the End of File options in CSV Data Set Config as per our requirements.
Ans:- Jmeter creates thread on to the application under test. Each thread consumes some part of RAM memory while execution. So number if user generated in Jmeter depends on the system hardware configuration on machine Jmeter is running.
Ans:- Yes, during my project in the previous organization I used BeanShell sampler to write some Java code. There was a scenario where I have imported some packages, created some objects and passed some string messages in xml format and validated the SR creation using Jmeter.
Ans:- To create this type of test case I need to use jp@gc- Stepping Thread Group. By default this thread group is not available in Jmeter. We need to install a Plugin into lib folder of Jmeter. After that we can put 10 users in thread, then hold load for 1800 se and then finally stop 10 users.
Jmeter 5.1.1 is the latest release from Apache. New menu TOOLS as been implemented and we can generate HTML report from using this new options. Plug-in Managers allows to upgrade the jmeter script from different versions of jmeter. Search option has been implemented on view results tree.
Load distribution can be set up in two ways Either GUI Mode or Non- GUI mode. We have to make to sure both versions of Jmeter and Java should be same version. We have to update the IP address of different Jmeter machines in Property to start Slave machine remotely. Firewall should be disable. If Non_GUI mode Make sure Security group as to be update to allow connection of both machines
We can setup the Email notification in our scripts once test as start/stop by using SMTP sampler. for trail purpose we can use Google server and Gmail account. Once we are implemented into project specific you have to get approval from client to use google account as security purpose.
In all performance tool we have two options to record the script as manual and automation. In Jmeter we can use workbench to record the script for automation record. For manual we can use fiddler or Network log (F12) to record the scriptby manual. While recording in both formate make sure necessary changes as made in network tab on browsers.
We can save the JTL/CSV files to use View result tree or simple data writer to record the all request has been executed. It will be help full while we are executing the scripts on Non-Gui mode and we have option to save all request/Only Pass/Only failed request.
In previous versions of jmeter we have to configure HTML report in User Property files and System Property files before starting the execution but in latest version new menus are added in Jmeter to generate the HTML report with existing CSV and JTL files.
Once scripts as developed we have to implement necessary parameters in test cases like correlation, Parametrization, Assertions, Timers, samplers and listeners. Once complete we start test and we can check results on veiw results tree in GUI. If non GUI we have to configure results files as mentioned on question no5 and has to prepare the test comment setup for Non-gui test
Correlation is nothing but we have to capture the dynamic values which is generated from server. We have to use Regular expressions to capture the dynamic values with help of left and Right boundary.
Bean-shell sampler can allow to Java bean shell scripts. For example if we need to store the to test cases values and need to compare it, we can use Java beans-heel code to handle the jobs. Here we can implement bean shell preprocessor or bean shell post processor which based on our requirements.
Workbench is used to record the script and we can use it for temporary place to store of test cases/request. Test plan is used to build the test cases which necessary elements. Here we can add the required elements like threads groups, sampler, test assertion, timers, processors and listeners.
Ans: Parallel controller is used for this. We can use if contoller – to check 5 sec condition and loop controller to loop the refresh request for every 5 sec. Think of a situation where we are getting many errors in the load test running in Non GUI mode.
For Windoows – stoptest.bat, shutodwn.bat – Double click on both these bat files in Jmeter/bin one by one. The test will be stopped. For Mac – stoptest.sh, shutodwn.sh – Double click on both these bat files in Jmeter/bin one by one. The test will be stopped.
We can capture in beanshell/jsr223 sampler with function prev.getTime()
Ans: We can use Perfmon plugin in JMeter which captures performance metrics of server.
Ans: Yes