Node.js Tutorial
Node.js Tutorial is for learners with JavaScript knowledge and those who want to know about the chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js has been used for server scripting and web page development with dynamic aspects. Node.js runs on different operating systems like Linux, UNIX, Windows and Mac OS X. The Node.js tutorials for beginners and professional training are meant for front end developers and back end developers. Learn node.js tutorial which provides the professional’s freedom to select the designs as it has strict conventions.
Node.js communicate with JavaScript through the server to create, execute and write. JavaScript is browser language with wide usage in Firefox’s spider monkey and safari’s JavaScript core and Goole chrome’s V8. Node.js is the server language to work on hardware and backend services. Learn Node.js tutorials for programmers of all levels to know the usage of web technologies.
Trainers provide training in different modes like online Node.js training, Classroom node.js training, and self-paced node.js training. The syllabus and project are incorporated in different styles to a different mode of training to give subject intense training. Environment setup, call-backs, node package manager, Event, Event loop, express framework, streams, buffers, MongoDB, Mongoose module, database connection, and Rest APIs are learned through this node.js Tutorial.

Node.js – Introduction
Node.js tutorial trains the learners in specific events like trying to get a connection with a port inside the server. PHP and handle the webserver and functionalities differently. Node.js handle the tasks in a different way. Node.js examples explain the benefits of node.js like scalability, single language for front end and back end, and implements code in an efficient way to increase performance.
Node.js is non-blocking, asynchronously programming and single-threaded. Node.js tutorial training train the learners to create a dynamic page for the content, apply functionalities on files like create the file, open file, read the file, write a file, delete file and close files, changes in the database like adding data, deleting data or modifying data with node.js, and to accept form data. Learn Node.js tutorial for opportunities in the front end and back end development. MVC and ruby are for front end structure and not for the internal backend structure.
Node.js is having an architecture of a clear understanding of logic and API routes which makes it popular. Express.js is the framework of node.JS which provides features such as views, requests, and routes in very less time. Node.js express tutorial is explained by the trainer to have a better understanding of the usage of node.js.
Eligibility to learn Node.js tutorial
Basic knowledge about web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript knowledge and server-side programming knowledge is essential for learning Node.js tutorial for beginners. Syntax knowledge, OOP knowledge for functional programming and knowledge of the UNIX command line are essential for node.js learners. Netflix video streaming app, LinkedIn social networking apps, PayPal, eBay, Walmart, Alibaba online stores, Quizlet eLearning platform use node.js for high performance and large users. Many industry best companies are using node.js for its best features.
Setup Environment
We have an online environment for Node.JS Tutorial and our lab systems are installed with Node.JS. We teach the learners to set up the environment through a projector for the same during Node.js Tutorial training. Text editor and Node.js binary installable are required for local setup. With the guidance of the trainer, learners install and start using the assignments allotted every day.
Application creation
The three steps to create a Node.js application are import modules with “require” directive, create the server, and create interaction between server and client. The code to import, create and test is given to the students. The learners will create a server instance, bind it at port 8081, create request and response functions, and write to return to “hello world” during Node.js Tutorial for beginners.
REPL Environment
Testing the code of JavaScript or Node.js requires an environment with a virtual process called REPL. To start REPL the process is to open the command prompt in case of Windows and open a terminal in case of Linux or UNIX or Mac. REPL command, simple calculations, storing the keyword with variable, storing the keyword without var, storing the keyword with var, multiline expression, and different commands of REPL are explained to the learners through Node.js Tutorial.
Package Manager (NPM)
Modules are the libraries and the package is the place where all the files required for the module is placed. NPM with command-line utility is used to download a package and it will create a folder with node modules to save the modules there. The command for uninstallation of a module, update of a module, create a module, search a module, and create a module are taught to the learners when they learn Node.js tutorial. NPM takes care of online repository, dependency management, and version management.
Call-backs Concept
The call-back function is used after reading the file, after executing the task and to call the next function. This helps for high performance as it handles many requests and functions. Blocking code and non-blocking code are explained with examples to the learners in this Node.js Tutorial Training.
Node.js – Event Loop
Event programming is used largely in Node.js as it is a single-threaded application. The event-driven approach is used in node.js which makes it faster. Event and call back function is associated with each other. Events like a mouse click and keypress are registered with functions. Learn about Node.js Tutorial which is suitable for the applications with high performance. I/O operations, blocking, heavy computations are the tasks done using event loop asynchronously. Call back function and event function differ in the process like a call back is for the completion and event is for events execution with the listener.
Node.js – Event Emitter
Event emitter is used to add and emit events as per the listener. The Node.js Tutorial Training will define the different types of events such as addListener, on, once, removeListener, removeAllListeners, setMaxListeners, listeners, and emit.
Buffer Class
Buffer class communicates with raw binary data allocated outside V8. Initially, node.js used binary strings which do not work fast. Browsers deal with strings but servers found it hard and the buffer is used by the servers for high performance. When dealing with TCP streams buffer class aid for handling the OCTET streams. Learn the Node.js tutorial to know about the different features of Node.js and its advantages in web development.
Streams throw Event emitter to complete operations like reading, write, read and write, and transform. Transform handle the duplex stream of reading and write as per the input. Node.js examples of events are data, error, end, and finish events.
File System
Asynchronous executes the operations in the first go as per the steps. This method will not block the function and it will run the result. Synchronous is the method that goes as per the operation and blocks the operation if it is not completed.
Global Objects
Global objects are directly used in the application and it is available with all the modules. _dirname, _filename, Console, process, buffer, clearImmediate(immediateObject), clearInterval(intervalObject), clearTimeout(timeoutObject), setImmediate9callback[, arg][,…]), setInterval(callback, delay[, arg][, …]), and setTimeout(callback, delay[, arg][, …]) are the different types of global objects in node.js.
Utility Modules
There are different types of utility modules in Node.js like OS module, Net module, path module, DNS module, and Domain module. These modules are used when developing the Node.js application.
Web Module
The four layers of a web application are client-server, data layer and business layer. A web server handles the four layers with HTTP requests, web page, HTML documents, images, scripts and style sheets. Web server performs the complex logic and retrieves information from a database. Creating a server, sending a request to the server, creating client and verification of output are learned through Node.js tutorial training.
Express Framework
Express framework respond to the HTTP requests, based on URL and HTTP it performs different actions and passes arguments dynamically to the templates. This framework is taught during Node.js Tutorial to understand the development of web applications and mobile applications
Restful API
Web services are used to transfer data to various computer networks through standards and open protocols. REST architecture uses HTTP methods and resources are accepted through HTTP with a common interface. In this Node.js tutorial training learners learn about creating a library with REST, list users, add users, show detail and delete the user.
Scaling Application
Node.js handles multiple events and processes multi-core CPU based systems. Child processes are divided into three types and they are a child.stdin, child.stderr, and child.stdout. exec() method is used to process the command with shell and returns all the data buffer. The spawn() method is used for new processes, and fork is the method for special cases during node processes. Node.js Tutorial train the learners to scale millions of users’ requests and handles different machines for horizontal scaling.
JXcore is used to pack the files, distribute the files and use encryption of source files. In this Node.js tutorial training, learners learn about the installation of JXcore, packing the code, and launching the JX file.
How to protect HTTP cookies from XSS attacks?
Attackers use JavaScript executable code to HTML response to hack the data and to safeguard the data flags are added to the HTTP header. XSS shows when the system is hacked. HTTP only is the attribute to the set-cookie which does not allow the JavaScript to accept the cookie. This attribute instructs the browser to accept the request from Https. In the case of node.js, these codes are added for security and in case of Express these code work by default. Node.js example during the node.js tutorial gives a clear understanding of the security of the website and the importance of data security in recent days.
List out the differences between angular and node.js?
Angular is the open-source framework whereas node.js is an open-source and cross-platform application that is used in the runtime. Angular backend is written on typescript whereas node.js backend is written on JavaScript, C++ and C. Angular is used for client application with a single page whereas node.js is used for networking application. Angular is a form of framework whereas node.js has frameworks like sails.js, express.js, and partial.js.
Angular is used for creating interactive applications whereas node.js is used for back-end API services and traditional websites. Angular is used for applying MVC concept to the web application whereas node.js is used for database queries creating. Angular is used for applications with real-time exposure whereas node.js is used for faster and scalable applications. Node.js tutorial from Besant technologies explains about the family of JS with the difference among them.