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Besant Technologies Kubernetes Online Training Offered by Industry Experts. This Course will teach you how to use Kubernetes Containers for load balancing, Scaling and automate the applications in efficient Manner. Learn Basic and Advanced level of AWS, Azure Cloud infrastructure using Kubernetes and Dockers in the Real-time Projects.  By learning Kubernetes on Besant technologies you can Clear Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) and Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD) exams.

About Kubernetes Course

This Course Syllabus will make you expert in Kubernetes Components, Architecture, Kubernetes Cluster, Github, Yalm, Master, Nodes, and pods with live Devops Projects. From this Comprehensive Kubernetes training you will get exposure on installing the Cluster on various Cloud Services Such as AWS, AZURE, GCP and Salesforce along with Docker Containers.  Learn Basic Linux , Docker and Devops Concepts to Become Good  Kubernetes Administrator along this Course at free of Cost.

Enroll for Docker and Kubernetes Certification Course and Boost your Application developer Career. Get Quality Course Content, Real-time Trainers, live Projects and job referrals along with this Course.

Kubernetes Certification Training

End of this Kubernetes Certification Course you will earn a Valid Google Kubernetes Certification in both Admin and Developer tracks Such as CKA and CKAD and also we offer Besant technologies Course Completion Certificates. By enrolling on Besant technologies Kubernetes Course you will become a certified admin and developer. Get Top Highly Paid Jobs in Docker and Kubernetes with an average Salary of 10 to 15 Lacs.

Docker Kubernetes online courses are specially designed to learn about the docker Kubernetes tools in a vast manner. You can gain in-depth knowledge of the deployment, usage and maintaining the applications in Docker Kubernetes.

In our Besant Technologies institute, you can take the Docker Kubernetes Certification Online training in flexible timings. We have sufficient facilities to deliver the docker Kubernetes online course for the candidates. At the end of the course, you can avail of the course completion certificate from our institute for later use.

What are the Objectives of our Docker Kubernetes Training?

The main objectives of the Docker Kubernetes online course are to

  • Learn the basics of Docker and Kubernetes
  • Install and run the docker and Kubernetes cluster
  • Know the containerization and different operations performed in it
  • Learn the process of building applications using Docker and deploying the Kubernetes cluster with the help of tools like ubuntu.
  • Know about the architecture and necessary commands of Kubernetes
  • Understand the network mechanisms that are available in docker
  • Become expertise in creating container-based applications on the cloud.

Why should you go for Docker Kubernetes Certification Training?

  • Docker Kubernetes is a blooming technology in this cloud era.
  • Has greater scope and job opportunity across the world
  • Organizations are expanding the chances in docker Kubernetes technology
  • Certification is more helpful to get placed in a company
  • It makes you be well-versed in the docker Kubernetes and its applications.

Who should you go for Docker Kubernetes Certification Training?

The candidates who can take the docker Kubernetes online training are

  • Beginners or newbie who are interested in learning Docker Kubernetes
  • Software and testing professionals
  • Open source enthusiasts
  • Web developers
  • Cloud professionals
  • Software developers and designers
  • Software development project managers
  • Professionals who want to enhance their career using docker and Kubernetes.

How will Docker Kubernetes Certification Training help your career?

  • The docker Kubernetes certification online course will be provided with real-time training
  • Candidates can able to work with their own project and get ready for the job
  • The exams and practical attended during the training will give you hand for your career
  • You can get more job opportunities from various part of the world
  • The certification obtained from the institute exposes your knowledge in Docker Kubernetes
  • Act as an added advantage for your technological career.

What are the prerequisites of Docker Kubernetes Certification?

  • Candidates should understand the basics of Unix/Linux os.
  • Basic knowledge of windows command line
  • You should capable of opening the shell or terminal and run the basic commands
  • It is better when you know the general concepts of Docker and Kubernetes.

However, the Docker Kubernetes certification online course doesn’t require much prior knowledge of the docker.

What skills will you learn in Docker Kubernetes Certification?

  • Application scaling and management
  • Core concepts of the application containers
  • Challenges and the best solutions to tackle them
  • Responsibilities of the docker Kubernetes professional in a company.

Do you need Programming for Docker Kubernetes career?

While taking the docker Kubernetes certification online course, it will become easier to create applications if you know some programming languages such as java, python, etc. Apart from the programming language, you should have an idea about the orchestration tools like amazon ECS, Mesos and Google container engine.

Introduction to Docker and Kubernetes

In these days, the docker and Kubernetes are becoming more popular among the people for their better benefits. The usage of large-scale distributed systems that run on clusters of hundreds, thousands and more servers are increased.

The development, deployment, and management of these systems are economical. This led to the creation of Docker and Kubernetes as they may provide efficient results.

What are Docker and Kubernetes?

Docker is one of the leading software containerization platforms that are promoted by the company named docker. It provides operating-system-level virtualization which is also referred to as the containers. This docker makes your application into one standardized unit and wraps it into a single file to run on a server.

Kubernetes is an open-source system established by google to automate the deployment, scaling and managing the containerized applications. The docker and Kubernetes are more beneficial for the users to install and maintain the complex application on any platform.

What is Docker Kubernetes used for?

  • Docker and Kubernetes are the commonly used tools to deploy containers that are available inside a cluster.
  • They are most useful for managing the cluster of containers and combine all servers into a single unit.
  • The open-source tools are especially used to design, deploy and run the application anywhere.

These are the major reasons that led to the arrival of docker Kubernetes online courses.

What is the difference between Docker and Kubernetes?

The difference between docker and Kubernetes are

  • Installation is simpler in docker than Kubernetes
  • Docker is highly scalable and faster than Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes can deploy the rolling updates and automate the rollbacks which are not possible in the docker
  • The docker can share the storage with any container whereas the Kubernetes can do it with the same pod.
  • Kubernetes make use of the in-built tools and docker utilizes the 3rd party tools for logging and monitoring processes.

What is the difference between Docker, Kubernetes and VM?

Docker Kubernetes is a container-based technology that is specially built for running applications. Here, the containers tend to share the host os kernel and provide files to support the process in it.

While coming to the virtual machine (VM), it is not based on the container technology. VM is designed with the userspace kernel of an operating system. The server hardware is virtualized and so it shares hardware resources from the host.

Is Docker, Kubernetes an open-source?

Yes, docker Kubernetes is an open-source tool that plays a vital role in creating applications as small containers. The docker platform is used to build a ship and run distributed services anywhere. Kubernetes automates the deployment, scaling, and management of application containers over the cluster of hosts.

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Syllabus of Docker Kubernetes Training

Kubernetes Introduction:

Learning Objective : Introduction to kubernetes, setup and running docker containers. Running your first app in kubernetes and load balancing using load balancer.

  • Containers introduction
  • Kubernetes setup
  • Local setup with minikube
  • Installing kubenetes using the docker client
  • Minikube vs docker client vs kops vs kubeadm
  • Introduction to kops
  • Building docker images
  • Docker image registry
  • Running 1st app on kubernetes
  • Service with load balancer
  • Service with AWS ELB load balancer
  • Practise test.


  • Kubernetes setup using Minikube
  • Building docker images
  • Run app in kubernetes
  • Load balance the app
  • Load balance the app using AWS load balancer

Kubernetes basics – 4 hrs

Learning Objective : Understanding the architecture and pod lifecycle, creating different services, replicas and setting the healthchecks for your pods.

  • Node architecture
  • Replication controller
  • Deployments
  • Services
  • Labels
  • Healthchecks
  • Readiness probe
  • Pod state
  • Pod lifecycle
  • Secrets
  • WebUI
  • Practise test


  • Deploying different kind of services.
  • Replica set and replication controller
  • Deployments and healthchecks

Advanced topics – 4 hrs

Learning Objective: Creating persistent volumes, setting up auto scaling and tolerations, monitoring the resource usage.

  • Service directory
  • Configmap
  • Ingress controller
  • External DNS
  • Volumes
  • Volumes auto-provisioning
  • Pod presets
  • Statefulsets
  • Daemon sets
  • Resource usage monitoring
  • Auto scaling
  • Affinity / auto-affinity
  • Interpod affinity and anti-affinity
  • Taints and tolerations
  • Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
  • Operators
  • Practise test


  • Using volumes
  • Using daemon sets
  • Auto scaling
  • Working with statefulsets
  • Monitoring the resources
  • Using tolerations
  • Creating affinity and interpod affinity

Kubernetes administrator – 3 hrs

Learning Objective: Managing the users, Maintaining the nodes, making the nodes highly available and using TLS.

  • The kubernetes master services
  • Resource quotas
  • Namespaces
  • User management
  • RBAC
  • Networking
  • Node maintenance
  • High availability
  • TLS on ELB using annotations


  • Managing user
  • Working with networking
  • Viewing the resource quotas
  • Maintainin the nodes
  • Making the nodes highly available

Packaging and deploying on kubernetes – 2 hrs

Learning Objective: Understanding and creating helm charts.

  • Introduction to Helm
  • Creating your own helm charts


  • Working with Helm
  • Own helm charts

Continous development with Kubernetes – 1 hr

Learning Objective: Understanding skaffold on a high level.

  • Introduction to skaffold


  • Getting to know skaffold

Serverless on kubernetes – 1 hr

Learning Objective: Understang serverless and kuberless and what you can do with this.

  • Introduction to serverless
  • Introduction to kuberless


  • Serverless and kuberless

Microservices – 2 hrs

Learning Objective: Understanding istio, authenticating the users using istio.

  • Introduction to istio
  • Mutual TLS
  • RBAC with istio
  • End-user authentication with istio (JWT)


  • Working with Istio
  • Authenticating using Istio

Installing kubernetes using kubeadm – 1 hr

Learning Objective: Installing kubernetes using kubeadm.

  • Introduction to kubeadm


  • Running basic commands using kubeadm

On-prem or cloud agnostic kubernetes – 1 hr

Learning Objective: Using TLS certificates, understanding kubernetes dashboard and working with prometheus.

  • Managing TLS certs with cert-manager
  • Kubernetes dashboard
  • Kubernetes with Prometheus


  • Using TLS certificates
  • Dashboard in kubernetes
  • Using prometheus with kubernetes

Project – 3 hrs

  • This project shows you how to build and deploy a simple, multi-tier web application using kubernetes and docker. This project consists of the following components :
  • A single instance Redis master to store entries.
  • Multiple replicated Redis instances to serve reads.
  • Multiple web frontend instances.
    • Deploying PHP application as a stateless application
    • Deploying Redis as a stateless application
    • Add logging and metrics to the PHP and Redis application
    • Viewing the logs and metrics in Kibana dashboard

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Upcoming Batch Schedule for Docker Kubernetes Training

Besant Technologies provides flexible timings to all our students. Here is the Docker Kubernetes Online Training Schedule. If this schedule doesn’t match please let us know. We will try to arrange appropriate timings based on your flexible timings.

  • 24-03-2025 Mon (Mon - Fri)Weekdays Batch 08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Fees
  • 27-03-2025 Thu (Mon - Fri)Weekdays Batch 08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Fees
  • 22-03-2025 Sat (Sat - Sun)Weekend Batch 11:00 AM (IST) (Class 3Hrs) / Per Session Get Fees
Kubernetes Online Training and Certification Course

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Corporate Training

If you want to give the Trending technology experience to your esteemed employees, we are here to help you!

Trainer Profile of Docker Kubernetes Training

The trainer profile of our Besant Technologies training center is

  • Our professionals have good experiences in working with linux and cloud administration
    Company experts are high grade certified professionals
  • Trainers have strong practical and industry knowledge in offering the docker kubernetes online training for the students
  • Professionals have a great experience on multiple real-time projects
  • Trainers are upgraded with the advanced technologies for providing better coaching
  • Professionals have the ability to handle a different level of candidates.

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Kubernetes Online Training and Certification Course

Docker Kubernetes Exams & Certification

Besant Technologies Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher’s as well as corporate trainees.

Our certification at Besant Technologies is accredited worldwide. It increases the value of your resume and you can attain leading job posts with the help of this certification in leading MNC’s of the world. The certification is only provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.

Kubernetes Online Training and Certification Course

The docker Kubernetes exams are conducted to analyze the level of candidates who have taken the docker Kubernetes certification online training. These exams are more useful for the students or professionals to succeed in the interview and avail the job effectively. The certification obtained for the docker Kubernetes online training will help you to grab the job soon.

What is Docker Kubernetes Certification?

Docker kubernetes certification is a title or credential that is presented to the candidates who are all cleared the examination in docker kubernetes online course. This certification is helpful for you to get placed in fortune 500 companies for hosting their infrastructures.

Besant Technologies is authorized Docker Kubernetes Certification Provider?

Yes, Besant Technologies is an authorized docker kubernetes certification provider. They provide excellent training for the students and make them crack the exams easily. The certificates are issued by the docker Kubernetes online training center after the completion of the course.

How many types of Docker Kubernetes Certifications are there?

The official certification of the docker is

Docker professional certification

There are two types of certification available in the kubernetes training course they are

  • Certified Kubernetes administrator (cka)
  • Certified Kubernetes application developer (ckad)

Which Docker Kubernetes Certification is best?

selecting the appropriate docker kubernetes online course certificate is based on the necessity of the candidates. Each certificate has its own benefits and value in the career. It is a professionals choice to opt-out the right one that suits them. However, all candidates can learn the things that are required in their specialty.

How many questions are on Docker Kubernetes exams?

The number of questions that are asked in the docker kubernetes exams may vary based on the specialty you tend to choose. This exam includes multiple-choice questions, application questions, and still more to examine the candidate’s practical knowledge. You tend to attend the mock tests during the docker kubernetes online training for yielding better results.

How much does Docker Kubernetes Certification Cost?

The cost of the certification mainly depends on the specialty you choose and the training center. It is estimated that it will cost around 300$ approximately for the docker kubernetes online training course.

What is the passing score for Docker Kubernetes Certification?

The passing score for availing the docker kubernetes certification is 74% or above. So, you should prepare in such a manner to crack the exam at first attempt.

How long is Docker Kubernetes Certification valid?

The docker kubernetes online course certification is valid for two years from the completion of the course. You should update the certification every two years.

Does Docker Kubernetes Certification expire?

Yes, the docker kubernetes online training certification expires. This is because the docker kubernetes certifications are provided with one year of expiration.

What is the salary of Docker Kubernetes Certified professionals?

The docker kubernetes certified professionals are in high demand. So, you can able to get a reasonable salary based on your practical knowledge. Approximately it is shown that certified professionals are obtaining 5000usd to 6000usd per month.

How do I study for Docker Kubernetes Certification?

You must focus well on the docker kubernetes online courses that are provided by the institute. The practical knowledge and the concepts that are learned from the online class is the must for qualifying the exam. You have to go through the basic concepts, core concepts, Kubernetes services, and other essential concepts.

If I fail the Docker Kubernetes Certification exam, how soon I retake it?

If you are failed in the first attempt of the docker kubernetes certification exam you should retake the exam after 14 days. When you are failed in the second attempt you have to wait for 90 days to retake the exam again.

How do I apply for Docker Kubernetes Certification exam?

You have to visit the official site of the docker kubernetes certification exam. Go through the instructions carefully and know the requirements. Complete the necessary details and make your payment for the successful registration.

Group Discount

If you have Three or more people in your training we will be delighted to offer you a group discount.

Key Features of Docker Kubernetes Training

30+ Hours Course Duration

100% Job Oriented Training

Industry Expert Faculties

Free Demo Class Available

Completed 800+ Batches

Certification Guidance

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Training Courses Reviews

I would like to highlight a few points about my association with Besant Technologies. The faculty members out here are super supportive. They make you understand a concept till they are convinced you have gotten a good grip over it. The second upside is definitely the amount of friendliness in their approach. I and my fellow mates always felt welcome whenever we had doubts. Thirdly, Besant offers extra support to students with a weaker understanding of the field of IT.


Siva Kumar

When I joined Besant Technologies, I didn’t really expect a lot from it, to be extremely honest. But as time went by, I realised I got from Besant Technologies exactly what I wanted- a healthy environment for learning. Cordial teachers and their valuable lectures make understanding things so much easy. I thank Besant for having been so supportive throughout the course.



Frequently Asked Questions

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Besant Technologies offers 250+ IT training courses in more than 20+ branches all over India with 10+ years of Experienced Expert level Trainers.

  • Fully hands-on training
  • 30+ hours course duration
  • Industry expert faculties
  • Completed 1500+ batches
  • 100% job oriented training
  • Certification guidance
  • Own course materials
  • Resume editing
  • Interview preparation
  • Affordable fees structure

Besant Technologies is the Legend in offering placement to the students. Please visit our Placed Students List on our website.

  • More than 2000+ students placed in last year.
  • We have a dedicated placement portal which caters to the needs of the students during placements.
  • Besant Technologies conducts development sessions including mock interviews, presentation skills to prepare students to face a challenging interview situation with ease.
  • 92% percent placement record
  • 1000+ interviews organized

  • Our trainers are more than 10+ years of experience in course relavent technologies.
  • Trainers are expert level and fully up-to-date in the subjects they teach because they continue to spend time working on real-world industry applications.
  • Trainers have experienced on multiple real-time projects in their industries.
  • Are working professionals working in multinational companies such as CTS, TCS, HCL Technologies, ZOHO, Birlasoft, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Scope, Philips Technologies, etc…
  • Trained more than 2000+ students in a year.
  • Strong theoretical & practical knowledge.
  • Are certified professionals with high grade.
  • Are well connected with hiring HRs in multinational companies.

No worries. Besant technologies assure that no one misses single lectures topics. We will reschedule the classes as per your convenience within the stipulated course duration with all such possibilities. If required you can even attend that topic with any other batches.

Besant Technologies provides many suitable modes of training to the students like

  • Classroom training
  • One to One training
  • Fast track training
  • Live Instructor LED Online training
  • Customized training

You will receive Besant Technologies globally recognized course completion certification.

Yes, Besant Technologies provides group discounts for its training programs. To get more details, visit our website and contact our support team via Call, Email, Live Chat option or drop a Quick Enquiry. Depending on the group size, we offer discounts as per the terms and conditions.

We accept all major kinds of payment options. Cash, Card (Master, Visa, and Maestro, etc), Net Banking and etc.

Please Contact our course advisor+91-9677 266 800. Or you can share your queries through info@besanttechnologies.com

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Additional Info of Docker Kubernetes Training

Placement Assistance After Docker Kubernetes Training

  • You can get the job support along with the Docker Kubernetes certification training.
  • Effective teams take the responsibilities of arranging the interviews for a course completed candidates.
  • Provide support for resume preparation and other processes regarding the interview
  • Make the students to be prepared for the interview while taking the courses to tie up with reputed companies to place the students

Docker Kubernetes Job Opportunities

Nowadays, there are a plethora of job opportunities in docker Kubernetes. First of all, you have to understand your interest, skills, job role and make good decisions while selecting the specialty in docker Kubernetes certification. When you take the docker Kubernetes online course under the guidance professionals you can succeed in it with less effort.

What are the jobs available after Docker Kubernetes Training?

After docker kubernetes online training, you can avail jobs such as

  • Devops engineer
  • Python developer
  • Java developer
  • Cloud engineer
  • Cloud architects
  • Kubernetes architect

Is it easy to get a job after learning Docker Kubernetes?

Yes, it is easy to get a job after learning the docker kubernetes. With the docker kubernetes online training, you get the chance of gaining knowledge depending on the organizational needs. So, trained professionals can acquire the job easier than others.

Which language is better Docker Kubernetes or Docker?

Every programming has its own characteristics and benefits in the docker. You can choose the language which is adaptable for the docker. Most people prefer java and python as the best language for the career in docker.

What are the Top companies hiring Docker Kubernetes Professionals?

Some of the top companies that are hiring docker kubernetes professionals are

  • Oracle
  • Cisco systems
  • Ibm
  • Lenovo
  • Amdocs
  • Servicenow

How do I shift y career to Docker Kubernetes from any other domain?

As the docker kubernetes have greater career opportunity you can get jobs in different specialties easily. Merely, you can learn the docker kubernetes online course from an authorized training center. This is the best way to shift your career from any other domain to docker kubernetes.

Live Docker Kubernetes Projects

you will be taking the online docker Kubernetes training course and get the chance of working with the live instructor. You can clear your queries and learn many things through the live projects that you handle during the course.  This live project enhances your skills and knowledge in the docker Kubernetes and helps you to become an expert.

How will I execute practicals during Docker Kubernetes Training?

During the docker Kubernetes online course, the trainer will provide the server access to the students. Also, we provide the requirements that are needed for a better understanding of the docker kubernetes online course.

What projects will I complete as part of course?

While learning the docker kubernetes certification online training you will be involved in real-time projects. These projects are mainly based on application development and error handling with the docker kubernetes.

Features of docker Kubernetes training

The features of online docker kubernetes training are

  • Flexible sessions- the sessions are planned in such a manner to cover the entire syllabus that comes under the docker kubernetes
  • Real-time studies- live case studies and projects are provided in various concepts of the docker
  • Assignments and mocks- helps to crack the certification exam and interview
  • Certification- useful for acquiring the job quickly
  • Expert support- 24*7 live support for the candidates to solve the queries

Why should I learn docker Kubernetes from Besant Technologies?

You can take the docker Kubernetes certification online course from Besant Technologies because,

  • Has a good reputation in providing the training for various courses
  • We offer quality service to the candidates who have enrolled in our training institute
  • Trained candidates from our center are placed in top-rated companies
  • We provide the online classes based on your timings
  • Professionals are experienced and train the students in a friendly manner.
  • You can get the training and certification at an affordable rate.
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