PHP Detailing
PHP is designed to work with HTML so that the server interprets PHP code and creates HTML code to the browsers. To distinguish between PHP code and Html code, we should enclose the PHP codes in PHP tags. It is used to manage dynamic content, session tracking, and databases. PHP supports many protocols like IMAP, POP3, and LDAP.
The variable declaration in PHP starts with $ sign followed by the name of the variable and it can be done anywhere in the script. Here there are three different variable scopes namely; local, global and static. The variable that is declared outside function can be accessed from anywhere which is called as global. The variable declared inside the function can be accessed only within it which is called as local. After the execution of the function, its variables usually get deleted except the variable which is declared as static. PHP Training in Pune is focusing on the detailing to clarify all the doubts that come to the learners.
In order to get the output in PHP, we have got two different ways. One is the echo and the other one print. The echo won’t have any return value but the print statement has return value 1 which can be used in the expressions. Echo can take multiple parameters whereas print can take only 1 argument. Regarding the data types used in PHP, we can categorize it as String, Integer, Boolean, Array, Object, Null and Resource. Apart from the declared data types, we can use constants that can be defined but cannot be changed. To make the programming easy, we have operators to perform on variables and values. The major groups of operators are Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Increment/Decrement, Logical, String and Array.
Error Handling
While creating web applications, error handling is very important. Within your code, you have to insert the error checking codes. A programmer who can code very professionally can survive all sorts of interviews. PHP Training in Pune is intending the same. Some of the main errors checking methods are:
- Custom Errors and Error Trigger
- “die()” statements
- Error reporting
In the custom error handling, we can create a special function which can be called once the error has occurred. That function should handle the minimum of two parameters. In error reporting, user-defined error handlers are used. In the script which can accept values as the input, it is more likely to create errors. It can be handled by trigger error function.
Development Setup
In order to start the development process in PHP, we need to create a development environment which includes the web server, database, and PHP parser. PHP is compatible with all webserver software and databases. PHP parser should be installed to generate HTML that can be sent to the web browser. The PHP Training in Pune will be starting with the initial set up all ready for use.