Salesforce Admin Interview Questions and Answers
Salesforce Admin Interview Questions and Answers
Salesforce Interview Questions and answers for beginners and experts. List of frequently asked Salesforce AdminInterview Questions with answers by Besant Technologies. We hope these Salesforce Admin Interview Questions and answers are useful and will help you to get the best job in the networking industry. This Salesforce Admin Interview Questions and answers are prepared by Salesforce Admin Professionals based on MNC Companies expectation. Stay tuned we will update New Salesforce Admin Interview questions with Answers Frequently. If you want to learn Practical Salesforce Admin Training then please go through this Salesforce Admin Training in Chennai.
Best Salesforce Admin Interview Questions and answers
Besant Technologies supports the students by providing Salesforce Admin Interview Questions and answers for the job placements and job purposes. Salesforce Admin is the leading important course in the present situation because more job openings and the high salary pay for this Salesforce Admin and more related jobs. We provide Salesforce Admin online training also for all students around the world through the Gangboard medium. These are top Salesforce Admin Interview Questions and answers, prepared by our institute experienced trainers.
Salesforce Admin Interview Questions and answers for the job placements
Here is the list of most frequently asked Salesforce Admin Interview Questions and answers in technical interviews. These questions and answers are suitable for both freshers and experienced professionals at any level. The questions are for intermediate to somewhat advanced Salesforce Admin professionals, but even if you are just a beginner or fresher you should be able to understand the answers and explanations here we give.
Salesforce is a powerful CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool that works on cloud computing technology.
Cloud computing: Technology in which the applications are hosted somewhere (simply called on the cloud) and users can access those applications from anyplace without installing it.
Cloud computing provides:
- Paas (Platform as a service)
- Raas (Recovery as a service)
- Saas (Software as a service)
- Maas (Maintenance as a service) etc.
- Iaas (infrastructure as a service).
In salesforce, we use only Paas and Saas. with Paas, a platform to code – you can develop your own application,
Eg: force.com. With Saas, you can use the application without installing anything on your computer
Eg: Salesforce.com.
In simple Object refers to tables in database.
Standard objects are by default provided by Salesforce and uses don’t have more control over it like sharing and other functionalities.
There are many standard objects available, few Examples are Account, contacts, Opportunities, Cases etc.,
Custom Objects are users created objects and the users have all levels of access to it.
To create a custom object go to,
Setup-> create->Object-> New custom Object.
There are many architectures available like Client server architecture, Standalone architecture etc.,
Salesforce uses MVC architecture i.e., Model View and Controller Architecture.
Model – It deals with Database designing like Table, fields creation, data types etc.,
View – It deals with UI (User interface) customization like Page layout, designing of the page etc.,
Controller- It controls the data flow between Model and view.
You can use Point and click tools like Workflow, approval process, process builder etc., to achieve the control or you can use Apex programming like Classes and triggers.
Design of Database,
Table, fields etc.,
Multi- tenant means shared by many. Since, Salesforce is a cloud tool and millions of users are using it at a time. In order to avoid mono-poly (influence of single or group of users) on cloud Salesforce provides limits for all functionalities and those limits are called Governor Limits.
In simple, fields refers to columns in database table.
Users enters the data inside the fields only. There are two types of Fields.
Standard fields – Once a object is created, four fields are created by default they are,
Name/number depends on the object.
- Owner
- CreatedBy
- Last ModifiedBy
- Custom fields – Custom fields are user created fields and we have various data types to be selected while creating a field. Some of them are, Text, number, phone, email, decimal etc.,
You can restrict access to the fields for the users using field level security. You can make a field required or read-only, hidden by using field level security.
Page layout is a user interface customization. You can organize buttons, links, fields, related lists, visual force pages and quick actions etc., using page layout. To create a new page layout,
go to,
Setup-> customize\create-> objects->select an object->pagelayout.
You can customize the contents of a page for different users using pagelayout.
Record types: By default, you can have only one page layout per profile, if you want to have more than profile then you have to use record type. It provides different business processes, pick-list and page layouts for users.
Roles controls Records (RR). They are used to control records in salesforce. Each user is assigned with one role. No such configurations like profiles are required for roles. It works with Hierarchy but you need to setup hierarchy for roles.
To setup roles level hierarchy. Go to,
Setup-> Manage Users-> roles.
For example,
Top level role like manager can see all his bottom level roles records.
With Role hierarchy, manager role gets record level access for all his below user roles.
A basic requirement for a user creation is profile without selecting a profile user level creation is not possible as it is used specifies all the basic information\ permissions to object, fields, apps, tabs, apex class, visual force pages, record types, login hours, ip ranges.
A profile is a collection of permissions and settings for users in Salesforce. A user can have only one profile at a time but one profile can be assigned to any users.
To create a profile, go to,
Setup-> manage users-> profile->new profile.
A permission set is similar to profile as it is also used to provide permissions to users. If you want to give any specific permission to few users with same profile, then you can use permission set. Permission set is used to extend the permission for particular users with same profile.
- In an organization, if a user record needs to be shared to other users then we can use sharing setting. The record can be set as private, public read-only or public read-write. The access are of two type, external access and internal access.
- If the external access is set a private, then the customers, portal users cannot see the objects records, they can see only their own account records.
- If the internal access is set a public read-only then internal user can view that user data.
- If the internal access is set a public read-write then they have full access to the records.
To manage sharing setting, go to, - Setup->security controls-> sharing setting.
Setting an object to Private makes records visible to record owners and those above them in the role hierarchy, and access can be extended using sharing rules.
A bi-directional association between two objects to establish link with two objects.
There are two major types of relationship in Salesforce
- One- to – many
- Many – to – Many
Apart from this we have self – relationship (creating a relation to that object itself)
These relationship can be achieved by
- Look-up relationship.
- Master –detail relationship.
To establish a relationship between two objects to get the records from one object to another using look-up field. This relation is not so strongly bounded like master – detail. You can have upto 40 relationship per object.
It is a very strong relationship between two objects. The child object (sharing of record\owner ) is completely dependent on parent object. If the parent is deleted then all its associated child’s will be automatically deleted. Roll-up summary is available in master detail relationship.
We can have maximum of 2 master detail relationship per object.
A roll up summary is used to calculate the values of the child records and displays in the parent object as a read – only field. You can sum, count, minimum and maximum the values of the fields of child object.
A report is a list of records displayed with certain criteria that users define. The records can be grouped, filtered and sorted based on requirements. We have 4 types of reports they are,
- Tabular format
- Matrix format
- Summary format
- Joined Format
T0 create a report we need to keep 5 things in mind.
- Report Type – (template, simply object or related objects that you want to create a report).
- Fields – fields in the objects you want to display in the report.
- Filters – we have many filters like Field filter, cross filter, row limit, logic filter.
- Format – Tabular, matrix, summary or joined format
- Folder – after creating a report you can save it in a public folder or you can create a folder.
A Dashboard is the graphical portrayal of the information produced by a report or different reports. Dashboard part types can be graphs, tables, measures, measurements, or different segments that you can make with Visual Force.
Dashboard has two primary things, information source and segments
Information source is the report that you need to show graphically
Part is the kind of graphical portrayal like diagrams, table and so on.
We can have most extreme of 20 dashboard in a solitary dashboard board.
Work flow and approval process are simply point and click tools to automate your business logic without writing any code. When ever a record is inserted or updated in an object, you can perform certain actions using workflow rule.
The actions in work flow and approval process are,
- New task
- Email alert
- Field update
- Outbound message.
The main different between workflow and approval process is,
In Workflow, action is carried out based on the criteria the user has provided but in approval process the action is based on the approver.
The things to keep in mind while creating work flow is
Object – name of the object that you want to write workflow
Criteria – we have rule criteria and evaluation criteria
Action- choose any on the four action shown above.
In approval process we need to keep in mind,
Object – name of the object
Criteria – criteria if anything needed
Approver – approver has to be selected for approving the record, based on the approver only the action is performed.
Action – Select anyone from above four.
We can have up-to maximum of 10 actions in a single workflow.
A process builder is a tool to perform automation without code whenever a record is created or updated. It is similar to workflow but it has more advantages than work flow.
Using process builder, you can perform various actions like,
- Create a new record
- Post to chatter
- Update related record
- call a flow
- Call apex\ another process
- submit for approval
- Email alert
- Quick action
In workflow, we can only update records from child to parent but in process builder both child to parent and parent to child record update are possible.
We can have a control over order of execution using process builder.
• Even though process builder is very better than workflow but it has few disadvantages like
• Deleting a record is not possible.
• You can update a record in the objects that are in relationship.• Outbound message action is not available in process builder.
Validation rules are used to validate the data based on the formula or criteria that a user provide. Before saving a record into the database, the validation rule checks whether the entered data is correct or not based on the user given criteria.
To create a validation rule, go to
Setup-> object-> click validation rule.
We cannot delete a user in Salesforce. However, we can inactive or freeze a user.
Go to,
Setup–>manage users–>select that user and click freeze or uncheck the check box active.
• We can store those data by,
• Libraries
• Notes and attachments
• Static resources
• Chatter files
• Documents
Static resources allows us to store the images, gif, css files, jave script, jar files and also in zip format that are used in visual force page. A single file should be less than 5MB and an organization is provided with maximum of 250 MB size.
• A import and export wizard are used to upload or download records from Salesforce. You can process upto maximum of 50,000 records at a time. If you want to process more than 50, 000 records then you can use data loader.
• In data loader you can process upto 5 million records.
• The only tool in Salesforce where you need to install in your pc to use it is data loader.
• If you want to perform more than 5 million records then you need to use some third party tools like apex data loader, jitter data loader etc.,
Generally, Salesforce has 3 major releases every year i.e., every four months once. They are
Spring – around the month of February.
Summer – around the month of june.
Winter – around the month of October.
AppExchange is the market place to get the managed packages(applications) for Salesforce. Similar like play store in android.
We cannot customize the standard application label & logo. We can only customize the custom application log & label.
There is no option to change the object that is assigned to tab once it got created.
Parent record is having more than 200 junction record associated with it.
Junction record which is associated with this parent record is having rollup summary field that rollup to another parent.
By enabling “Grant Login Access” for particular user. We can see “login” button under user detail page of that user.
Connected App is created in situation where external application wants to connect with our salesforce organization.
Example: When external application wants to make Rest Call to Salesforce Org.
Account & Opportunity relationship acts as master detail relationship in backend.
So when Account record is deleted associated opportunity record is also got deleted.
We can track 20000 records of last six month login history.
In setup, we can download setup audit trail, where we can see the user name who made the changes in Delegate user columns.
Go to Email setting from the My Personal information and set outgoing Email Name.
By setting this value, any outgoing Email from Salesforce org will have this name associated with Email id.
While creating lookup relationship, we can define this under “what happens when parent record gets deleted” section.
We can set default value for controlling picklist but not for dependent picklist.
When we convert existing fields to dependent picklists or controlling fields, it doesn’t affect the existing values in your records. After conversion, the dependency rules apply to only new records and to any changes to existing records.
Encrypted fields are editable regardless of whether the user is having the “View Encrypted Data” permission.
No. We can’t create detail record without associating master record. One master record can be associated with multiple child.
Integer, Currency, Percentage
Global Variable, Hierarchical Custom Setting, Objects and related parent objects.
ISNEW function is used to check whether record is newly created or not.
We can create workflow rule and define every time record is created.
Give criteria using record type and use field update action for updating owner field.
We can only access and update parent record fields if it is in master detail relationship.
We can create workflow rule on particular object.
Give required condition for triggering the workflow rule.
Add Send outbound message action for sending message to external system.
Pending action is removed from timed based work flow queue. It will not get executed.
- How to make currently assigned approver to edit the record once it is submitted for approval Process?
- While creating the approval process we can enable this permission.
- How to edit the System Administrator Profile?
- We can’t edit the system administrator profile. If there is requirement for that, we can clone the existing system administrator profile.
For extending the permission that we gave in profile, we can use permission set. We need to create new permission set and give edit permission and add those user to this permission set.
Summary and Matrix Report. Tabular and join report is not available for creating dashboard.
Scenario where we need to create entirely new report type by adding objects and specified fields.
Manual Sharing
No we can’t modify for standard object. We can only modify for custom object.
Sharing Rule
Enable field required in page layout level.
We can create validation rule and validate by using user id.
No. We can’t add one queue into another queue. But one public group can have another public group.
Public group can’t be direct owner of the record. We can add public group to queue and queue can be the owner of the record.
Create a different record type and assign different picklist values.
We can add IP address in profile level. So those profile can only login to org specified in the IP address specified at their profile level.
Create Formula field in salesforce and achieve it by using substitute, left and Find function.
SUBSTITUTE(Email, LEFT(Email, FIND(“@”, Email)), NULL)
Trusted IP Ranges define a list of IP addresses from which users can log in without receiving a login challenge for verification of their identity, such as a code sent to their mobile phone.
For this requirement, you can define a organization-wide addresses for all user profile.
Setup à Company information à Org id
While transferring the record ownership of the record gets changed. But while sharing the record ownership is not changed, we are just giving permission to other users on our record.
Data loader doesn’t use allornone approach. If one record gets failed in 100 records, remaining 99 records will get processed.
We have to enable it in OWD sharing setting. OWD for object should be private/public readonly.
And it should pass any of the below condition:
Administrator, Record owner, User above in role hierarchy of record owner, User granted with full access sharing.
Use bucket field for categorizing. It will be only available in Report.
We should not use standard Edit button for redirecting to Edit page of the record.
Any Changes to fields with more than 255 characters are tracked as edited, and their old and new values are not recorded.
After adding the picklist value in Salesforce. We can arrange it using Arrange picklist values alphabetically in Picklist Field Definition Page.
Create Workflow Rule with Evaluation criteria “every time record is created and edited to subsequently meet the criteria” and add Rule criteria opportunity amount >= 10000.
Add Send Email Alert action for sending the mail and add Email template for formatting the Email.
When we freeze the user, user loses all permission. User won’t be able to login to salesforce. But still License is assigned to the user.
When we deactivate the user, license also removed for that user.
Export doesn’t takes data from Recycle Bin. But Export all takes data from Recycle pin as well.
Salesforce id or field with External id can be used for mapping while upserting the record in salesforce.