Selenium Course Syllabus
Selenium Course Syllabus is designed by QA Experts. Get Latest Selenium 3.0 Course Syllabus with Core Java for Freshers and Working Professionals. This Selenium Syllabus is suitable for Test Managers, Test Lead, Test Analyst, Software Developers, Test Engineers, Budding Engineers willing to learn Automation Testing and QA Engineers.
Topics under Selenium Course Syllabus
- Pre-selenium
- Selenium
- Post Selenium
Selenium with Java
Module 1 : Course Objective
- Understand Oops / java concepts
- Selenium IDE, RC
- Selenium WebDriver tool in depth, it’s features & components
- Building a new Test Framework by using Web Driver, Test NG, and Maven
Module 2 : Selenium Introduction
- Selenium Introduction
- What is Selenium and Why Selenium
- Use of Automation Testing?
- Explanation of Selenium and its advantages
- Differences between Selenium and QTP
- Selenium Components
- Introduction of selenium Components
Module 3 : OOPs concepts and Core Java Introduction
- OOPs concepts
- Setup Java environment – Download JDK and Setup eclipse
- Java programming concepts
- Class, Object, variables, methods, Packages
- Conditions and loops
- Access and non-access modifiers
- Advanced Java Programming
- Interfaces, Inheritance
- Collections, Exceptions
Module 4 : Selenium IDE and RC Introduction
- Installing Selenium IDE
- “Selenese” – Selenium Commands
- Actions, Asserts, Assessors.
- Developing Test Cases & Test Suites with Selenium-IDE
- Introduction to Selenium RC
Module 5 : Installations
- eclipse-Oxygen
- JDK 1.8
- Firefox 47.0.1, firebug and file path
- Set up TestNG, Maven and Selenium (2.53.1 &3.0 +) for eclipse
Module 6 : Selenium WebDriver 2.0 and 3.0 Introduction
- Selenium WebDriver Introduction
- WebDriver Vs RC
- Download and Configure WebDriver with Eclipse
- Simple Testcase
- Open and Close Browser
- Cross Browser Testing – Firefox, IE, Chrome, Edge.
- UI elements Locators.
- Identifying WebElement using id, name, link text,Partial LinkText class Name,
- XPath, CssSelector and TagName.
- Handling various WebElement using WebDriver
- Handling Mouse movements and Keyboard Events
- Gecko-Driver
- Verification Commands
- How to get Title
- How to get Current Url
- How to get PageScource
- How to get WindowHandel
- How to get WindowHandels
- How to get Text
- How to get Attributes
- Validation commands:
- IsSelected
- IsEnabled
- IsDisplayed
- How to operate with WebTable
- How to Handel Alerts in webpage
- Switch Commands:
- how to switch windows or Tabs.
- how to switch Alerts.
- How to operate with calanders
- Synchronization Commands
- Thread.sleep();
- ImplicitWait
- ExplisitWait
- File uploading using Auto-It and Robot.
Module 7 : Testing Framework and Tools
- Introduction of the Testing framework
- Types of frameworks
- Tools for developing Test Framework
- TestNG introduction and Configuration with eclipse
- TestNG Annotations and Data Providers
- Creating Test Suit with TestNG
Module 8 : Framework
- Moduler Frame work
- Data driven
- paramitarization
- Hybrid Framework
Module 9 : Develop Hybrid Framework
- Developing Hybrid Framework for Web Application using WebDriver /TestNG and Maven
- Use external Data for Testing (Excel sheet, XML files, Property file)
- Reading and understanding reports
- Screenshots of failed Test case
Module 10 : Configuration Management
- Jenkins Installation
- Maven Installation
- Dependencies and configure Maven Project
- Integrate Maven projects in Jenkins
Learn Selenium from the Basic to Advanced Level with Hands-on Training, Placements, and more with Selenium Training in Chennai
Selenium with Python
Module 1 : Introduction
- Why do we need Selenium? (Though, there are many automation tools are available)
- Selenium with Java vs. Python (pros and cons)
- Program structure
Module 2 : Python Programming
- Basic Programming in Python
- Function & Parameters in Python
- Python Data structures and operation
- File Operations
- Modules
- Object Oriented Programming
Module 3 : Execution steps
- Environment setup(python, Pycharm, Selenium and etc.,)
- Introduction with Python and Pycharm
- First Script on Selenium
Module 4 : Selenium- Web Driver
- Introduction to Web driver and Remote vs. Local
- Guide to install Web driver
- Creating your first script on Web driver
- Accessing Forms in Web driver
- Accessing Links and Table content in Web driver
- Remote web driver
Module 5 : Automation Framework
- Advanced Web element access method- Contains, Sibling, Ancestor and etc.,
- Framework designing methods
- Framework adaptation
- Feature Testing Automation
- Report Generation out of Automation
- Real time Automation and the Challenges
Module 6 : PyAutoGUI – Controlling Mouse and Keyboard
- Introduction to pyautogui
- Accessing Flash content using pyautogui
- Controlling Keyboard and Mouse events on web driver
Selenium with C#
Module 1 : Collapse Selenium IDE
- Introduction
- Record & Playback
- Command types
- Using Verifications
- Using Asserts
- Exporting Test Case/Suite to C#/NUnit
Module 2 : Collapse Selenium Webdriver
- Introduction
- Setting up new project
- Project Structure
- Understanding DOM Structure
- Finding Elements
- Assert Types
- Working with Dynamic Elements (Radio/Checkbox/DropDown/Select Element)
- Tables and Data grid
- XPath
- Embedded JavaScript
- Cross Platform Browser Testing
Module 3 : Collapse Selenium Framework & Infrastructure
- Creating Data Driven Tests (XML/DB/Excel)
- Linq queries (DDT)
Post Selenium
- Introduction to Apache Maven
- Maven Dependencies
- Maven Plugins
- Controlling The Build
- Maven Release Process
- Deploying to a Repository
- Using Snapshots
- Introduction To Git
- Working Locally With Git
- Working Remotely With Git
- Branching, Merging And Rebasing With Git
- Using The GitHub Website
- GitHub For Windows Basics
- Teamwork With GitHub For Windows
- Social Coding With GitHub
- Continuous Integration or Continuous Deployment concepts
- Installing and Configuring Jenkins
- Freestyle Project Configuration
- Jenkins Pipelines
- Testing With Jenkins
- Pipeline Enhancements o Multi-branch Pipelines and Code Promotion
- Gradle-plugins
- Working with files
- Ant Integration
- Dependency Management
- Extending the model
- Task inputs & outputs
- The Java plugin
- Multiproject builds
- The build runtime
- Introduction To JIRA
- Test Management In JIRA (Zephyr)
- Advanced Search And Introduction To JQL (JIRA Query Language)
- Generating Reports In JIRA
- Introduction To JIRA Agile
Agile Methodologies
- Agile Methodologies Overview
- Agile Scrum
- Agile ceremonies
- Agile artifacts
- Kanban
- Adaptive Project Framework (APF)
- Extreme Project Management (XPM)
API Testing
- Set-up of API Test environment
- Types of Output of an API
- Test Cases for API Testing
- Approach of API Testing
- Difference between API testing and Unit testing
- What to test for in API testing
- Best Practices of API Testing
- Types of Bugs that API Testing detects
- Tools for API Testing
- Challenges of API Testing
- Introduction to SOAP UI
- Functional API testing
- Supported Protocols/Technologies
- SOAP-INTEGRATION with Other Automation Tools
- SOAP UI Vs Selenium:
- SOAP UI PRO Version
- SOAP UI – Version Timelines
- Postman Introduction
- Working with GET Requests
- Working with POST Requests
- Parameterize Requests
- Create Postman Tests
- Create Collections
- Run Collections using Collection Runner
- Run Collections using Newman
Learn Selenium from the Basic to Advanced Level with Hands-on Training, Placements, and more with Selenium Training in Bangalore
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