Switch Statement Java
Switch Statement Java
To branch, a statement “switch” keyword is used. Based on switch conditional expression, it executes the relevant part of the code. The conditional expression can be any type int, short, string, byte…etc
Switch (conditional expression) { Case value 1 break //optional Case value 2 break //optional Case value 2 break //optional default: Statements }
Public class switchExample { public static void main(String[] args) { int trafficColor = 3; String colors; // switch statement with int data type switch (trafficColor) { case 1: colors = "Red"; break; case 2: colors = "Yellow"; break; case 3: colors = "Green"; break; default: colors = "White"; break; } System.out.println(colors); } }
Important point:
- Duplicate conditional expression. Cases with same expression not allowed
- Data type should be consistent
- In order to come out we can add break statement
- Break is optional
- Default is optional which can keep in switch anywhere
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