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Tableau Interview Questions and Answers
Tableau Interview Questions and Answers
Tableau Interview Questions and Answers for beginners and experts. List of frequently asked Tableau Interview Questions with answers by Besant Technologies. We hope these Tableau interview questions and answers are useful and will help you to get the best job in the networking industry. These Tableau interview questions and answers are prepared by Tableau Professionals based on MNC Companies’ expectations. Stay tuned we will update New Tableau Interview questions with Answers Frequently. If you want to learn Practical Tableau Training then please go through this Tableau Training in Chennai and Tableau Training in Bangalore
Best Tableau Interview Questions and Answers
Besant Technologies supports the students by providing Tableau interview questions and answers for the job placements and job purposes. Tableau is the leading important course in the present situation because more job openings and the high salary pay for this Tableau and more related jobs. These are top Tableau interview questions and answers, prepared by our institute experienced trainers.

Tableau interview questions and answers for the job placements
Here is the list of most frequently asked Tableau Interview Questions and Answers in technical interviews. These questions and answers are suitable for both freshers and experienced professionals at any level. The questions are for intermediate to somewhat advanced Tableau professionals, but even if you are just a beginner or fresher you should be able to understand the answers and explanations here we give.
Data visualization is the process or method of visually representing your textual data. Tableau is one of the leading software in this visualization field. It is been the leader in the Gartner magic quadrant. It is so popular for its performance, interactivity, dynamic and user-friendly. It is a drag and drops with minimal coding
Importing process in Tableau is similar for all database and flat files. The only difference between a database and flat files are: flat files are unprotected and no server or login credentials are required. But to connect to a database, you need to enter the above-mentioned details.
Tableau is a data visualization software and its primary function is to visualize your textual data. R and SAS are statistical software. Tableau can replace the visualization feature of this software but Tableau cannot replace statistical feature of R & SAS. Fortunately, we can connect R & Python in Tableau, which improves the statistical feature of Tableau.
Yes, we can visualize the data in other charts than the predefined ones in showing me the option. The other charts are called as custom charts. We can create them using customization of marks, complex calculations and sometimes with some data manipulation.
Sankey chart, waterfall chart, donut chart, radial bar chart, area Pareto chart and other charts like a coxcomb, chord diagram can be created in Tableau. It involves some manual efforts and preprocessing data but it is possible in Tableau. Some of them may not be ideal for automatic data refresh.
Tableau adds new features often. Notable features are viz in the tooltip, clustering, Dashboard layout, global workbook formatting, improvements in maps, connecting to pdf files and step chart.
No, Tableau prep is not an integrated feature in Tableau Desktop. It is a brand new software to help developers with their data preparation process. It helps their time on pre-processing and predefined changes. It was earlier called as Project Maestro and redefined as Tableau Prep. It has 3 coordinated views to help the developers view the data inflow view, no of rows associated with each field and sample data in the preview pane.
There are primarily three styles of project requirement gathering. Clients will give us the list of exact charts to be used and fields for creating dashboards Clients would share us the screenshot of their old or current dashboard created using other reporting or data visualization software. We need to recreate them in Tableau Clients will give us the important fields and allow us to try our ideas on visualization. This involves our knowledge and creativity. In-depth understanding of the dataset will help us a lot on creating dashboards.
The time depends on the complexity of the data set and Tableau dashboards to be built. Based on the number of dashboards and calculations to be written, the time will vary. The lowest time could be 5 minutes for a perfect data and minimal calculations and the highest time could be few weeks or months with complex calculations, data processing and multiple iterations of changes.
How different are them for traditional databases and flat files?Yes, Tableau can connect to cubes and cloud databases. Connection procedure is very similar to the traditional database connection procedure. Cubes are three-dimensional data but when it enters Tableau, it will be converted to 2-dimensional data i.e. it will rows and columns.
Yes, Tableau can connect to multiple databases and flat files at the same time. Data blending can connect them to their old version. Cross-database join is a recent feature that can help us on joining heterogeneous database like SQL Server, Teradata, and flat file.
We could publish the workbook to Tableau server or Tableau online. We need to follow the below procedure to publish a dashboard from Tableau desktop to Tableau server or online. Click on server Tab Click on Publish workbook Enter the server and login credentials (first time) Select the project and enter the workbook title Change other options like user permissions, refresh schedule if required And click on publish We could share the Tableau workbook file over email or shared path too. But the end users should have Tableau Reader or Tableau Desktop to open the file. Tableau Reader can open only packaged workbooks with flat files or TDE or hyper file.
I built a dashboard for my organization’s top management. They wanted each regional head to view their team’s dashboard only. I used user filter but it needed developer intervention when a head changed. I suggested adding a new column with their windows ID to each row. Concatenated with multiple IDs if required. Used user functions to validate the user. The client can change the entitlement without the developer’s intervention. They have to just update the file and save it on the right path. The database job will pick it and update the entitlement column. This was one of my successful and challenging value additions made.
The best chart would be the line chart and area chart. Time data can be represented in Bar chart, pie chart. Especially the hourly data looks great on pie chart with equal slice and colored by the measure.
Tableau is a Business Intelligence tool for Visualizing and analyzing the data. Users can create and distribute an interactive and shareable dashboard which depict the trends density and variations of the data in the form of charts and graphs . Tableau can connect to relational Big Data sources and files to acquire and process data. The software allows real-time collaboration and data blending which makes it very unique. It is used by academic researchers businesses and many government organizations for visual data analysis. It is also positioned s a leader Business Intelligence and Analytics Platform in Gartner Magic Quadrant.
Understand the main Tableau interface (1) Building reports
(2) Building Dashboards
(3) Formatting data for User friendly
(4) Trend Lines over a time
(5) Using maps
(6) Best business analysis
1.Easy learning in short amount of time
2.Free Tableau Public
3.Classifies and stores Big Data
4.Connects to any type of Data Source
5.Works on any Data
6.Easy to Use
7.Growth of an Individual
8.Growth of the Organization
BI developer
Big Data Developer
Top Level CEO, Managers
Top MNCs like Capgemini, ITC InfoTech, TCS, General Motors, Sony, Bank of America, KPMG, Face book are few of the top companies who are looking for Tableau Talent, in India and their Onshore locations.
Some of the popular titles of tableau professional are Data Analyst, Tableau Consultant, BI Analyst, Business Analyst ,BI Developer, BI Manager, amongst others.
Ex. In information source I have segment like
- empID, EmpName, EmpDept,EmpDsignation, EmpSalary
- InreportsI am utilizingempnameon segments andempsalryon lines.
- I can utilizeempDesignationon Filters
The concentrate can be utilized anyplace with no association and you can construct your own representations without interfacing with Database.
I have 5 distinctive exceed expectations documents (2007.xls, 2008.xls..2011.xls) with same fields (film name, class, move, rating, benefit) yet with information from various year (2007 to 2011). Would someone be able to reveal to me how might I join the film name, kind and gainfulness with the goal that I can see the perception of 2007 to 2011 of every a solitary outline?
We can join max 32 table, it’s unrealistic to consolidate in excess of 32 tables.
For Eg: your customer is in Healthcare space and utilizing SQL Server as their database. In SQL server there might be numerous Tableau like Claims Tables, Rejected Claims Table, Customer Table. Presently, customer needs to know client shrewd cases and client insightful rejected cases table utilizing the joins. Join is an inquiry that consolidates the information shape at least 2 tables by making utilization of Join condition.
We can join max 32 table, it’s impractical to consolidate all the more then 32 tables.
In Tableau the joins can perform in 2 different ways.
- By making utilization of regular segments.
- By making utilization of basic information types.
On the off chance that we make joins on the fields in Tableau all the table names are suffixing with $. While playing out the joins on various tables, dependably run with the les measure of information tables, so we can enhance the execution.
In Tableau the joins are separated into 2 types.
- Equi Join,
- Non EquiJoin
Equi Join: in the join condition in the event that we are utilizing Equality”=”operator, such a sort of join called as Equi join.
Non Equi Join: in the join condition separated from the Equality”=”if we utilize some other administrator like <,>,<=,>= and=! At that point such a sort of joins are called as Non Equi Join
Equi Join is partitioned into 3 types
- Internal Join,
- External Join,
- Self – Join.
1.Inner Join: Inner join will stacks the main coordinating records from the two tables. Internal join condition:
Tableaa.id = Tableb.id
2.Outer Join:
Again the external join partitioned into 3 types.
- Left Outer Join,
- RightOuter Join,
- Full Outer Join.
Left external join: Displays the total information from the left + coordinating records from the correct table.
Condition: tablea.id(+)
Right Outer Join: shows the entire information from the privilege + coordinating records from the left.
Condition: tablea.id(+)=tableb.id
Full external join: full external join stack the entire information from the left table and right table. Condition: Table A full external join Table B ON tablea.id= tableb.id
3.Self-Join: in the event that we are performing join to a similar table itself such a sort of join called as self-join
Non Equi Join:
In the join condition on the off chance that we are utilizing the administrators separated from the fairness “=” such a sort of joins are called as Non Equi join.
Information Blending in Tableau:
For ex: your customer is same Healthcare Client. They are working their administrations in Asia, Europe, NA, etc and the are keeping up Asia information in SQL, Europe Data in SQL Server and NA information in MY SQL.
Presently, your customer needs to examine their business over the world in a solitary worksheet. So you can’t perform join here.
Presently you have make utilization of Data Blending Concept.
Typically in the Tableau we can play out the examination on the single information server. In the event that we need to play out the examination from the numerous information sources in a solitary sheet then we need to make utilization of another idea called as information mixing.
Information mixing blend the information from the diverse information sources and enable the clients to perform th examination in a solitary sheet. Mixing implies blending. On the off chance that we are blending the information sources, it is called as information mixing.
Standards to play out the information mixing
So as to perform information mixing there are few tenets.
On the off chance that we are playing out the information mixing on 2 information source these 2 information sources ought to have something like 1 normal measurement.
In that regular measurement somewhere around 1 esteem should coordinate.
In Tableau we can play out the information mixing in 2 different ways.
- Programmed way
- Custom way
Programmed way:In the programmed way Tableau consequently characterizes the connection between the 2 information sources dependent on the normal measurements and dependent on the coordinating qualities and the relationship is demonstrated with Orange shading.
Custom or Manual way:In the manual or custom way the client need to characterize the relationship physically.
Information mixing fuctionality.
All the essential information sources and the auxiliary information sources are connected by explicit relationship
While playing out the information mixing each work sheet has an essential association and alternatively it may contains a few auxiliary associations.
All th essential associations are shown in the Blue in the work sheet and all the optional information sources demonstrated with the Orange shading tick stamp.
In the information mixing 1 sheet contains 1 essential information source and 1 sheet can contain end number of auxiliary information sources.
Measurements is only the spellbinding content segments and realities are only measures (numerical qualities) dimentionex:productname city..facts:sales, benefit
Indeed you can do it… however for the better execution utilize separate
A warmth delineate an extraordinary method to look at classes utilizing shading and size. In this, you can think about two unique measures. Tree outline an amazing representation, especially to delineate progressive (tree – organized) information and part – to – entire connections.
Twb is a live association, it focuses to the information source; the client accepting twb needs authorization to said information source and no information is incorporated. .twbx takes information disconnected, stroes the information as a bundle or compress like record, along these lines killing the requirement for consents from end client, it’s presently a depiction in time of the information as of the time it was Saved as . twbx
To show two measure in one diagram
Various Measures are appeared in single hub and furthermore every one of the imprints appeared in single sheet
- Drag a measurement in a section
- Drag the primary measure in section
- Drag second measure in existing pivot
- Us/multiplemeasures_blendedaxes.html
In my view, Tableau emerges for a few reasons:
To start with, the majority of the BI instruments out there are expensive. In any case, Tableau has a free offering (Tableau Public) and in addition an extremely prominent (likewise free) scholarly appropriation. Scene is all around perceived by firms like Forrester research to be a standout amongst the most simple to utilize, and deft items right now accessible. see here: Tableau Ranks #1 in The Forrester Wave: Advanced Data Visualization (ADV) Platforms That makes it simple to get and attempt new things with, which information representation individuals love about it.
Then again, not at all like a portion of the other BI instruments, Tableau is anything but an entire innovation stack, it is most valuable for perception and investigation. – you will require different items notwithstanding scene for heavier venture information ETL, upkeep, and capacity, and so on https://www.tableau.com/about/blog/2012/7/scene positions 1-forrester-wave-propelled information representation adv-stages 1852
You can’t test in Tableau supposedly. It is an information perception programming.
Scene at present not bolster the multi-esteemed parameters… “Contextual analysis: The “dynamic parameter with a mix” strategy can be utilized to feature a solitary esteem, yet not different qualities as a result of the manner in which it works. As Tableau parameters are not dynamic, we can’t “channel” the rundown of qualities at runtime.”
We can utilize parameters with channels, determined fields ,activities, measure-swap, changing perspectives and auto refreshes
Custom SQL Query composed subsequent to interfacing with information for pulling the information in an organized view, One basic precedent is you have 50 segments in a table, yet we require only 10 segments as it were. So as opposed to taking 50 segments you can compose a sql inquiry. Execution will increment.
Scene gives simple to utilize, best in class, Visual Analytic abilities, however it doesn’t help with the pipes (information establishment). You could, for instance, wed SQL Server with Tableau to get the entire bundle. Scene licenses are generally costly in the event that you are hoping to scale.
Customary BI can deal with it everything except with noteworthy forthright expenses. Higher counseling, equipment and programming costs. Among the super merchants, no one but Microsoft can give a sensible offer. Open source merchants like Pentaho and Jasper Soft don’t have a sufficiently bottomless ability pool, yet.
Palantir and Tableau are altogether different. Palantir has its underlying foundations in expansive information software engineering issues including security, installments, extortion discovery and the preferences. Clients/Investors incorporate Paypal, CIA and others.
Scene is a perception player – with roots in Stanford U investigate. It’s Visual Query Language (VizQL) enables clients to construct representations over standard information distribution centers or spreadsheets.
I have filter1 and filter2.Based on filter1 I have to filter2 information
Ex: Filter1 as Country and Filter 2: States
I have picked nation as INDIA and filter2 should show just INDIA states
Pick alternatives of Filter2 states :
select alternative of “Just important qualities ”
Indeed without a doubt! It gives you information understanding to the broaden that others don’t. Enables u to plan and point the abnormalities and ad lib your procedure for advancement.
Utilizing channels or determined fields we can ready to show the main 5 and last 5 deals in same view?
Create the Map utilizing urban areas – >then Drag the Profit and deals to the Details– >Add the state as Quick channel
Make Custom Color code in “Preferences.tps”
Route ::: Documents » My Table Repository »Preferences.tps
Include custom shading code
Note: In scene 9.0 form we have shading picker choice..
Interface information multiple times, one for database tables and one for level record. The Data->Edit Relationships
Give a join condition on normal segment from db tables to level record
Assume I have information like
Eid Ename Salary Dept
1.abc 2000 java
2.bbc 3000 .net
3.Krishna 2500 java
Madhu 300
5.Vamshi 3000 centralized computers
1.abc 1000 testing
2.bbc 3000 scene
3.krishna 5000.net
4.Madhu 7000 testing
vamshi 9000 scene
1 abc 11000 Mainframes
2 bbc 13000testing
3 krishna15000 java
4 Madhu 17000 .nte
5 vamshi 19000.net
Total: to show total information
Total/avg compensation by every individual worker
drag ename on columna and compensation on lines we will get whole (pay) of each and singular worker
presently change measure type as Avg
Pick compensation choice – pick measure types as “Avg”
Disaggregation: To show every single exchange
When you take a gander at the accumulated information in the perspectives over, each bar speaks to all exchanges for an explicit worker summed up or arrived at the midpoint of into a solitary esteem. Presently say that you need to see the individual pay exchanges for every representative. You can make a view like that by choosing Analysis>Aggregate Measures.
We will probably enable individuals to see and comprehend information. Our product items put the intensity of information under the control of regular individuals, permitting an expansive populace of business clients to draw in with their information, make inquiries, tackle issues and make esteem.
Scene Public is a free administration that gives anybody a chance to distribute intelligent information to the web. Once on the web, anybody can interface with the information, download it, or make their own perceptions of it. No programming abilities are required. Make certain to take a gander at the exhibition to see a portion of the things individuals have been doing with it.
Information demonstrating is the investigation of information protests that are utilized in a business or other setting and the distinguishing proof of the connections among these information objects. Information demonstrating is an initial phase in doing object-situated programming .
I think we as a whole work on various tasks utilizing Tableau, so the work starts from understanding the necessity getting the required information, story boarding at that point making perceptions in scene and afterward showing it to the customer for survey.
Parameters are dynamic qualities that can supplant steady qualities in computations and can fill in as channels
Scene Performance depends on Data source execution. In the event that information source sets aside greater opportunity to execute an inquiry, Tableau must hold up to that time.
First make a calendar for specific time and after that make remove for the information source and distribute the exercise manual for the server. Before you distribute, there is a choice called Scheduling and Authentication, tap on that and select the calendar starting from the drop which is made and distribute. Additionally distribute information source and relegate the timetable. This timetable will naturally keep running for the doled out time and the exercise manual is revived.
Parameters are dynamic qualities that can supplant consistent qualities in estimations and can fill in as filters.Filters are utilized to limit the information dependent on the condition u have referenced in the channels rack.
The Tableau Desktop Log records are situated in C:UsersMyDocumentsMy Tableau Repository. In the event that you have a live association with the information source, check the log.txt and tabprotosrv.txt documents. In the event that you are utilizing a concentrate, check the tdeserver.txt record. The tabprotosrv.txt document regularly demonstrates point by point data about questions.
page rack is control full piece of scene That you can use to controle the presentation of yield and printed aftereffects of yield.
New representations are presented like treemap, bubble outline and box and hair plot
We can duplicate worksheet straightforwardly starting with one exercise manual then onto the next exercise manual
Presented R content
Stage 1: Build a Map View Double-click a geographic fields, for example, State, Area Code, Zip Code, and so forth.
Stage 2: Select the Fille Map Mark Type The Automatic check type will demonstrate this kind of view as circles over a guide. On the Marks card, select Filled Map to shading the geographic regions.
Step 3:Drag a Field to the Color Shelf Define how the areas are shaded by hauling another field to the Color rack.
Truly it might have its own drop-down rundown, the sections which you make in the Parameter while making it very well may be seen as a Dropdown list.
After the formation of Dashboards on the off chance that we get an issue from the SQL side that implies Custom SQL. How to Rectify the SQL execution from custom SQL.
On the off chance that your server permit terminates today, your client name on the server will have the job ‘unlicensed’ which implies you can’t get to, however, others can. The Site Admin can ‘Change Ownership’ to someone else, so extricates whenever empowered don’t come up short.
Here is the case of the invigorating dashboard in like clockwork, Replace apisrc and server URL with yours. The interim underneath is for 3 seconds.
Scene JavaScript API
Scene Desktop depends on a leap forward innovation from Stanford University that gives you a chance to drag and drop to examine information. It is extraordinary information perception apparatus, you can associate with information in a couple of snaps, at that point envision and container intelligent dashboards with a couple of something beyond.
You could talk include – usefulness for a considerable length of time, however at an abnormal state there are four noteworthy contrasts.
Speed: How quick would you be able to get fully operational with the framework, answer questions, plan and offer dashboards and afterward change them? This is Where frameworks like Tableau and GoodData are obviously better than old – school business knowledge like Business Objects or Cognos. Customary frameworks took months or years to insight like Business Objects or Cognos. Conventional frameworks took months or years to execute, with costs racing to millions. The scene has a free trial that introduces in minutes and GoodData is cloud-based, so they are quicker to execute by requests of greatness. They are additionally quicker to results: conventional BI requires IT and designers to roll out any improvements to reports, so business clients are stuck in a line holding up to complete anything. Scene and GoodData give to a greater extent a self – benefit involvement.
Examination layer: This is the place Tableau exceeds expectations. It has amazing and adaptable drag and drops representation motor dependent on some innovation from Stanford. GoodData and customary BI regularly give some canned reports however transforming them requires noteworthy time and cash.
Information layer: This is the place the three choices are generally unique:
GoodData expects you to move your information to its cloud.
Business intelligence is the strategies & technologies used by enterprises for the data analysis to extract business information from it. Business intelligence technologies usually provide historical, current and predictive views of business operations with respect to the data.
- Boolean
- Date
- Geographical values
- Text/string
- Number (Decimal)
- Number (Whole)
Measures are measurable quantities, precisely, Numerical data. It can be data where we can apply mathematical operations. Any aggregations should make sense of the data.
Dimensions are descriptive attributes. Precisely, categorical data. Aggregation functions cannot be used for any Dimensions.
Eg: Customer Name, Pin codes.
Context filters are Independent filters. It works in a way that, all other filters performs filtering option once this context filter is executed. Any other filters that you define are dependent filter because they dependent the data that context filter allowed.
- Quick Filter
- Context Filter
- Data source Filter
Page Shelf is a distinct and a powerful tool to control the environment. Page Shelf has the view into the line of pages. This minimizes the selection scrolling and makes the view more user-friendly. These pages can be flipped by specific controls.
- Tableau Desktop
- Tableau Prep
- Tableau Server
- Tableau Online
- Tableau reader
- Tableau Public
.twb is an xml document which will have all the selections and layout structure that you made in your Tableau workbook. .twb files will not contain any data you analysed.
.twbx is a ‘zipped’ archive file which contains the selections and layout structure that you made in your Tableau workbook along with the data you processed.
Joins is the process of combining different data tables from the source/server. Where in Tableau, we have 2 ideas of joins.
- Equi Join
- Non – Equi Join
- Left Join
- Right Join
- Inner Join
- Full Outer Join
Maximum of 32 tables can be joined at a time.
In Tableau, we can connect to different data sources. Where it do support default connections to receive data automatically. Such data sources will result with specific intervals. So the data refresh happens automatically. Such data source is Live data set in Tableau.
Extract data connection will result in static data source. Until updating data source manually, data will not get refreshed. Using Tableau server, we can overcome this problem.
Extract data can be used anywhere without any connection establishment such as connecting to Database.
- Pages Shelf
- Filter shelf
- Marks Shelf
- Rows Shelf
- Columns Shelf
- Offline
- Online
- WMS server
WMS Stands with Web Map Service Server. With WMS server we are able to establish connection with third-party map servers.
Symbol Maps: If we are about to indicate all geographical locations on the map then it’s called as Symbol Maps
Filled Maps: If we are about to indicate all geographical locations with a crammed/filled portion then it’s called as Filled Map.
Data Blending is the process of combining data sets from 2 different data sources. Where Tableau demands at least of one dimension in common between these two data sources to perform blending.
Tableau automatically identifies the dimension using the column name. It is even possible to explicitly giving the dimension to be selected as the common dimension.
Sets are basically custom fields that has a subset of data based on the given conditions by users.
Eg: a set may contain customers with sales over a certain threshold in a specific month in specific region. In general, sets gets updated as your data change.
Tableau group is basically a combination of dimensions that make higher level of categories in the data.
Parameters helps the users to give their own inputs/values dynamically.Tableau supports parameters like
- Integer
- Float
- String
- Boolean
- Data Type
- Date+Time
Dual Axis helps users view two different scales of two different measures in the same graph/report. Dual axes helps us to compare multiple measures at once, with two independent axes layered on top of one another.
Tableau Data Engine is basically analytical database designed to do instant query response. It helps a lot in predictive performance. Can be easily integrated into existing data infrastructure. TDE is not limited to load entire data sets into memory.
If you work with a huge dataset, it takes a while to import, create indexes and to sort data. But, after importing everything speeds up. TDE is not actually in-memory technology. Once the data is stored into disk memory after the data load, the RAM is hardly utilized. .
Right Click on any of the Dimension in the Data pane and select | Create > Calculated Field | to open the calculation editor. .
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Text
- Image Extract
- Web (URL)
Yes, You can create 2 different sets with top 10 records in set 1 & last 10 records in set 2. Finally, join set 1 & set 2. .
A heat map is basically a chart which helps to identify better trend in numeric data. Heat map can also be used for comparing categories with colour and size. Heat maps also helps to compare two different measures together.
Tree maps works the same as Heat map, but it produces the visualization can be interpreted hierarchically and helps to understand the relationship between the variables. .
Multiple measures are given in a single axis which represents different measures.
No, As of now Tableau do not support data blend for a Parameter.
Custom SQL has been used to perform your SQL codes within Tableau. Parse your SQL codes with no change, just directly give your SQL commands to get the data from server. Tableau do support the SQL commands as it is.
Yes, Tableau do support Pin codes. It has its own repository. Wherever if you find some pin codes missed in the Tableau repository, Include it in Tableau with its respective Latitude & longitude.
The process involved in viewing numeric values (basically measures) at higher and more summarized levels is termed as aggregation.
When you give a measure to any shelf, Tableau automatically performs aggregation to the data, default is sum.
In Tableau, Dis-aggregating your data gives you the view of every row of the data source. Which is highly useful when you are analysing measures.
Yes, it is one of the important feature in Tableau. Performance testing can be done by using Testing Tableau Server with TabJolt. Which is actually a ‘Point & Run’ load generator, which has created to perform QA. TabJolt is not supported by tableau. Hence, we must install using other open-source products.
A web(URL action) is basically a hyperlink that points to a Web page link. A web-based resource outside of Tableau application. we can use URL actions to link to more information about your data that has been hosted outside of your data source.
Yes, you can import flat file data initially and create a connection to database for second data source. At last perform a join to combine those 2 datasets.
Data modelling is basic analysis of data objects that are used in a business. On the other hand, it uses context and the identification of the relationships among these data objects.
Adding a Custom Colour is a powerful tool in Tableau. Always restart you Tableau once you saved .tps file. In the Measures pane, drag the one you want to add colour. From the colour legend menu, select Edit Colour. A dialog box opens, select the palette drop-down list and customize as per your requirement.
Tableau desktop file will contain the .tde extension and it refers to the file that contains data extracted from external sources like MS Excel or CSV file.
Yes, it is possible to automate reports in Tableau. All you need to do is to publish reports in the tableau server and you need to schedule time to refresh data.
Tableau story is a sheet that contains a many worksheets or many dashboards that work together to extract information from the data. Creating stories is to show how the facts are connected and providing context to demonstrate how decisions are related.
Discrete data are the values that are counted as distinct and will be separate. It can only take individual values within a range.
Continuous data basically used to measure continuous data and can take on any value within a finite or infinite interval.
Published Data Sources contains the connection information which is independent of any other workbook and can be used by multiple other workbooks.
Embedded Data source contains connection information and it is associated within the same workbook.
Tableau doesn’t have a par for number of rows. It can be accessed even for petabytes. It only uses the required data to answer our questions, so no limitations in the number of observations.
Tableau prep is a Tableau work-flow application, which helps to create your own data flow. Once created, that can be used it for better automation of data pre-processing.
Knowledge of Data control like RDMS Database (Basics of SQL) and Data warehousing Concepts.
Data Visualization is used to improve the business by diagnosing areas that need more attention by analyzing the dashboard.
Tableau is a powerful business intelligence and data visualization tool that has a very intuitive user interface.
Reasons why Tableau:
- Tableau is primarily used for
- Creating a dashboard, reports
- Data discovery and Visualization
- Self-Service BI
- Simple statistical analytics like trends and forecasting.
Connecting the data -> Creation of worksheets -> Combine Worksheets in Dashboard -> Create Story ->Publish Dashboard to Tableau Server.
- Tableau Desktop is used to createdatavisualization, stories, and workbook.
- Tableau server is used to distribute these interactive workbooks or reports to the right audience
Joining is a technique of merging related data with a common key.
Types: Inner Join, Outer Join, Left Outer Join, Right Outer Join.
Combine of data by two or more tables by appending value rows.
- Tableau Supports
- Text (String) Values, Date Values, Date & Time Values, Numerical Values, Boolean Values,
- Geographical Values (Used with maps) Datatypes.
Load the tables (“Revenue” and “Business Unit”) into tableau desktop à join the tables in
Data source level based on common column data à Drag and drop required columns in Worksheet level and do dashboard.
By creating of the folder and by combining of field.
- Creating folder à Product folder à (Product ID, Product Name ) fields
- Combining field à Product ID, Product Name à Product ID & Product Name
- Joining term is used when you are combining data from the same source.
- Blending requires two different data sources.
- Live: Live connection directly to database pulling live data on demand (up-to-date at every moment).
- Extract: Copy of the data from the database at a given time (up-to-date at time of extract).
.twb, .twbx, .tds, .tdsx, .tde/hyper, .tdm, .tms, .tps.
- Dimensions: Dimensions are explain about descriptive information.
- Measures: Measures are about measures and foreignkey.
- Discrete can be recognized by Blue Color and limited range.
- Continuous can be recognized by Green Color and unlimited range.
Sources should be Different, at least one common data Item/Column.
Filters control the content of data in tableau workbook, data source, and dashboard level.
Types: Data Source filter, Context filter, Quick filter, Normal filter.
The normal filter is used to control the data from database based on selected dimensions or Measure. But Quick filter are used to give a chance to user for dynamically changing data Member at run time.
Alias is used for field or to a dimension member
Individual, Dual and Blended axis
- Dual Axis shows two measures in different Axis.
- Blended Axis shows more than two measures in the same axis with the concept of Measure Values and Measure Names.
Remember what you have mentioned in resume and talk about tableau project, Functions you have used (Parameter, Filter, Sets, Calculated filed, Table calculation), Charts, Tableau server, Tableau public.
(Today’s date), Now want to create a view based on this data but in the view only the latest date data should reflect(i.e. only today’s data)
Create a calculated field using If condition (condition: Sum (IF Max (Date) =Date then Sum (Sales) End).
Create calculated field product sales using LOD function Fixed (Fix the product)
Product | Sub product | Product Sales |
A | Ab | 1000 |
A | Af | 1000 |
B | Bc | 2000 |
B | Bj | 2000 |
Suppose below shown is excel data which is loaded in the tableau platform. How to convert the column heading (Ex: Samsung, Nokia, Apple) into a row.
Quarter | Samsung | Nokia | Apple |
Q1’12 | 23 | 34 | 14 |
Q2’12 | 34 | 45 | 24 |
Q3’12 | 12 | 65 | 54 |
Solution: Pivot
Using Pivot option in the metadata we can convert the column into rows
Quarter | Pivot field name | Pivot field values |
Q1’12 | Samsung | 23 |
Q1’12 | Nokia | 34 |
Q1’12 | Apple | 14 |
Q2’12 | Samsung | 34 |
- Excel is having a limitation of data, whereas Tableau allows unlimited data.
- Excel cannot connect multiple datasource, whereas Tableau connects multiple datasource.
- Excel cannot make an interactive dashboard, whereas Tableau makes an interactive dashboard.
In Data source level -> Measure Right-click-> Change Datatype.
- Aggregation is a calculated set of values that return a single numeric value.
- Disaggregation is individual data. It will show data as per raw data.
The line chart is a combination of the Date field and Measure. To draw a line chart Date field is mandatory
When we have hierarchical data, we will use a treemap chart.
Select required columns like (Region, State) Right Click -> Create Hierarchy
Rank Unique (1, 2, 3, 4)->By Table Calculation
Create calculated field -> Use function “USERNAME ()”->Filter User filter
Makedate (Year_Month_Day)
Side by Side chart in Show Me Option
Step 1: We need to create Set for Top 10 Customers on Customer Name.
Step 2: Create Set for Top 20 Customers on Customer Name.
Step 3: I need to show only Top 11 to 20 Customers on Customer Name. To achieve we need to combine Set and by excluding Top 10 Customers.
Step 4: Create a calculated field by IF Else Statement.
Step 5: Drag Calculated field to Rows and Sum (Sales) to columns.
Step 6: Select Pie Chart. Check results as per expected.
Step 1: Build the Crosstab report as per required columns and rows.
Step 2: Add subtotals from the Analysis tab.
Step 3: Go to the required Columns and right-click remove subtotals.
- Not to use more than 4 worksheets in Dashboard.
- Unhide Columns which are not used in the dashboard.
- Try to use more Action filters
Attach User manual in Share point. From Dashboard level, Dashboard Actions Attach URL to dashboard. When User clicks on URL, the document will get the download.
.Hyper is Extension of tableau from 2018 Version. In the previous version.TDE (Tableau Data Extract) Extension.
- Analyze the requirement.
- Design the data model as per requirement.
- Design charts inWorksheetlevel.
- Drag worksheets to Dashboard.
- Publish dashboard to tableau server.
Yes, we can save excel data as .tdsx and to tableau server. It can be refreshed whenever schedule refresh happens in the server.
Yes, we can apply filters. Global filters help in reducing repeated work. Worksheet level filters apply to a particular worksheet.
Publish dashboard to server. It will ask as authentication. Create project folders in server. Enable allow authentication while publishing the dashboard.
- Excel is having a limitation of data, whereas Tableau allows unlimited data.
- Excel cannot connect multiple data sources, whereas Tableau connects multiple data sources.
- Excel cannot make an interactive dashboard, whereas Tableau makes an interactive dashboard.
Yes, we can change in Tableau in the Data source level and Worksheet level. Measure Right-click à Change Datatype.Example: Row ID (Number Data type) -> String Data type
- Aggregation is a calculated set of values that return a single numeric value.
- Disaggregation is individual data. It will show data as per raw data.
The line chart is a combination of Date field and Measure. To draw a line chart Date field is mandatory. When Line chart is selected in Marks, path option will be enabled.
When we have hierarchical data, we will use a treemap chart. Select required columns like(Region, State) Right Click -> Create Hierarchy
Example: Region level -> State ->City -> District
Rank Unique (1, 2, 3, 4) By Table Calculation Using Table Calculation-> Percentage of total -> Table (down) and Table (Across)
Create calculated field à Use function “USERNAME ()” Filter a User filter
When User login on tableau server based on User group, he can see only south data.
- Side by Side chart in Show Me Option
- Another we can show using a calculated field
Previous Year
If datediff (‘year’, [Date], [(calc) Today’s Date]) = 1
then [Date]
There are business scenarios wherein the users would like to view the Data based on some specific dimensions, then you will go for Level of Detail expressions. For example, the Report has Fields, Patient, Age, Gender and Temperature, the business wants a Measure in the same Report to identify the Average Temperature based on Gender, Average Temperature based on Ageand not just at the Patient level.
{FIXED Age:AVG(Temperature)}
- Context Filters help in Performance, wherein the tableau engine populates/filters the data first based on the filters marked as Context.
- Also in scenarios where we use LOD’s, context filters help in setting up your base pool of data for your calculations.
Hash tables is not supported and throws an error. It is up to tableau to fix this in future versions.
If the Dataset being extracted is small, Live connection is fine, however Extracts are the based for large datasets, as your Dataset is retrieved, computed and stored as an twbx file and can be retrieved faster.
Yes using Custom SQL Server.
We could go for a Data Blend.
- No. DataBlend just combines your different Data from sources It does not filter.
- We cannot do a LEFT, INNER, RIGHT JOIN in a Datablend but in fact can combine data sources based on a Relationship field
Check Dual Axis
Yes. You need to put the Measure Names in Color Section and Measure Value in Rows and choose the visual type as Line.
While Publishing, we need to publish the Data Source to the tableau Server. Any user with required permission will need to connect to that Published Data SOurce in their Tableau Desktop and then use it as a Self Service tool wherein they could Slice and Dice the Dimensions and Measures.
For example Patient Name will be a field and if you expand it, you could view the Patient ID and Hospital Record No.
Yes, you could use Hierarchy. Create a Hierarchy for PatientName Dimension and drag and place Patient ID and Hospital Record No in the hierarchy.
- The Values in Parameter are Static. Its contents remain unchanged even while the Data Source is refreshed unlike Filters.
- Filters filter your data Dataset while they are placed in the filters section.
- Parameters can be be referenced in calculations.
If you want the Data to be based on Date Frequency which user wants to choose i.e Yearly/Monthly etc, then we can create a parameter with these values and then use this in calculation. For example IF Datefrequency = ‘Monthly’ THEN DATENAME(MONTH) ……where Datefrequency is ParameterName
You could use LOOKUP Function in your Calculated Field.
- Per my understanding this is computed first in Precendence and filters your Data across your Datasources.
- This will apply for both Live and Extract connection.
- For example you could choose the Datasource filter and enter value Gender = ‘Male’. This will filter your entire dataset. Thus your Base Dataset will only have Male Population.
When you choose Discreet, it will display each value in your Measure corresponding to the dimension. FOr continous, it will display a continuous trend visual for the dimension. For eg, Count of Patients is your Measure and HospitalName is your Dimension. If Count is Discreet, then each values in that measures will be listed in the grid.
In the common Tableau Repository Folder in your local Machine–> Within SHapes, you could place the .png file–> then drag and drop the Image Option into your Dashboard
–> Select the Image file from the location.
You could logically partition your visuals in containers.
Once you Drag and Drop the Vertical Container, we can add multiple visuals within that container vertically. Basically you could scale Vertically.
You could chose ‘Only Relevant Values’ option in multiple filters.
Doughnut CHart, Heat Map, Tree Map, Bars, Line, Butterfly CHarts etc. We should ensure the visuals we create makes business sense to the users for analysis. The objective is not to just create complex charts just for show.
From the analytics section –> you could choose Reference Line or Constant Line etc and set the value.
You could not do this in Tableau Public but only in Tableau Server wherein you could assign User Groups, Users and Roles.
Hyper is an optimized In Memory type introduced from tableau 2021.2. It supports more data and has good performance.