Touch the height of Mobile Application Testing
Touch the heights with Mobile Application Testing
Mobile is the perfect example of what is enabling economic growth in the technology sector – Max Levchin
Unquestionably true! We all are being addicted to mobile more and more each day. But mobile, now, sounds imperfect if it’s not a smart phone! Mobile applications have become the heartbeat of this handy device. So if something is already in this much demand, then the requirement for the professionals must be sky-high too.
Mobile application testing is a top-notch in the Software testing industry. If getting a Software Testing Training is on your to-do list, then mobile application testing is surely a win-win situation. This is because developing a mobile application is not enough, that application should be functional and effective too. There are various challenges in the path of Mobile Application Testing. Few of them are stated below:
- Compatibility: Application should work on high as well low resolution too.
- Types of mobile devices: There are n number of mobile devices available in market today and many more to come in the near future. So mobile applications should be adaptable to all types of mobiles and their varying specifications.
- Network operators: There are more than 400 mobile network operators worldwide, so this is again a big concern for a mobile application.
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There are many more such issues companies are facing that are developing the mobile applications. Not only companies, even individuals have also started to launch their applications due to the easy launching process. So competition of survival is soaring even higher! Thus it’s easy to compute the demand of mobile application tester in application world today. Though there are several options that comes under software testing, but market is in great need of mobile app testers at this moment and this demand is surely not going to diminish easily.
Besant Technologies in Chennai is providing all sort of software testing training, including this mobile app testing too. The later even categorized into many types: Functional Testing, Interrupt Testing, Laboratory Testing, Installation Testing, Security Testing, Certification Testing, Usability Testing, Memory Leakage Testing, Black box Testing and much more.
Testing has two procedures: Manual testing and automation testing. Both are used based on the demand and scenario. There are 2 kinds of automation tools for mobile app testing.
- Object based tool for testing: Ex. Jamo solution
- Image based tool for testing: Ex. Sikuli
Why Besant Technologies?
We have industry experts with us as trainers to provide you the best and industrial level training on all the subjects. We have a celebrated name in providing all types of software testing training whether its mobile app training or Big Data testing or iOT or any other.
We have a promising name in the world of training. Though we started 7 years back only, yet have very-well managed to grab the eye-balls of the IT aspirants. This is because of our professional and friendly trainers having immense knowledge of their respective domains and having an IT background.
So if seeking for an institute to get a worthy training, opt for the best Mobile Application Testing Training in Chennai!